Art Print

Not like handmade oil painting reproductions, print art is produced using technology to reproductionte artworks on canvas. So far, there are many ways to turn the original arworks into canvas copies. Fine Art reproductions were made on paper in the past since it is easier. However, print art is becoming more and more popular among artists and amateurs with the development of technolgy. Print art looks exactly the same as the original and it has a great advantage over paper reproductions, it can be displayed without glass or matting.

However, there is one disadvantage for print art, while comparing with the original painting, it is completely flat, they don¡¯t have the textures like the original. Apart from this, a devoted canvas art printer can put some highlighting hand-applied paint, so that the original looks are preserved to a great extent. But the most indicative way to reveal the print art copy is to see if it is basically flat or not. The hand-applied paint cannot substitute the areas of texture that you can notice on the original paintings.

Usually, there are two techniques are used for art reproduction print. The first one is transferring which is also the most popular one at present. It includes the making of basic paper print first done in the traditional method. And then covered with special chemicals which separate the paper from the ink. Therefore, the ink will remains untouched while removing the paper. Then it could be used to a canvas.

The second technique is PiezoGraphy which is more sophisticated because it requires modern technologies. It is a digital printing technique. The original pieces drawn using a variety of materials can be digitally processed. Lots of different digital methods are used. Additionally, this technique allows for image processing to be done on the piece, for example changing of hues and chroma, so that a better-looking reproduction is obtained. By using PiezoGraphy the reproduction can differ in size from the original: printouts can be either reduced or enlarged. That¡¯s why the digital printing technique is thought to create new originals, not just reproductions of the existing paintings. It is thus used by many artists.

Also, seems that in canvas art reproductions industry, print is also used very often. I have experienced with many oil painting suppliers and art studios in China. A large number of them sell print plus painted version paintings. They print the photo of original artworks on canvas and then get some artists add paints on it. They also claim this as handmade oil paintings. So while purchasing from online art gallery, make sure what they sell is 100% handmade oil paintings.

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