What are the Chances of Getting Pregnant with PCOS
PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is the most common problem in women age of childbearing or fertile. Some of the people believe that women suffering from this problem could not get pregnant. It is not completely true because a woman having PCOS problem faces difficulties in getting pregnant. Thus, chances of getting pregnant with PCOS are average and more than average. This problem is caused by the imbalances of hormones. Usually, a girl contains androgen’s (male hormones) including the estrogen’s who fertile the egg and ovulate properly. When the balance of androgen’s and estrogen’s disturbed, PCOS problem occurred within women body. Thus, getting pregnant with PCOS is not impossible.
Causes and Symptoms:
Most of the research showed that insulin resistance factor of women body plays vital role in PCOS. Insulin is responsible to change the starches and sugar into energy in our body. However, insulin resistance is a disorder in that case body starts producing insulin in excessive volume. That causes the high level of androgen’s in women body. There are few symptoms of
* Acne
* Excessive hair growth (Especially on chest, face back etc)
* Problems in pregnancy or ovulation
* Weight gain
* Male pattern baldness
* Pelvic pain
* Skin tags
* Sleep apnea
There are different ways of getting pregnant with PCOS. However, you must know properly about the ways of get pregnant with PCOS. It is not impossible as there are herbal remedies available that can be used to get rid of this PCOS problem.
* Laparoscopy
* Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
* Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFI)
* Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT)
* Use of the egg donors
* Use of the gestational carriers
These all are the half list of the procedures available regarding getting pregnant with PCOS. It is highly recommended that consult with your doctor properly as your doctor will suggest you one of them procedure depending on your condition and other factors. Thus, it is a complete myth that women suffering from PCOS couldn’t not get pregnant ever. However, chances of getting pregnant with PCOS depend on the severity of the hormone imbalance.
Natural herbs for curing this problem:
Having a nutritional and balanced diet could make large impact on your health. In order to get rid of the PCOS problem you can have some natural supplements such as:
* Vitex (Chaste Berry) – it is very popular for balancing the female cycle. It can make proper balance of hormones
* Omega-3’s
Ultimately, getting pregnant with PCOS is not an impossible task as there are many solutions available in society that can help a women getting pregnant in case of PCOS. However, chances of getting pregnant with PCOS depend on the severity of hormone imbalances. Thus, in order to get pregnant women must have proper knowledge about available herbs and procedures. The author has given information about getting pregnant. Know more about pregnancy and also know about get pregnant.