How to Feel your Best in Seven Days

Are you falling sick quite often? Are you putting on extra weight suddenly? Are you feeling tired all the time? Are you suffering from insomnia and all these seem to happen all of a sudden? Well, you must be wondering what can be the reason for such draw backs. Is it because of age? Is it because of menopause? Is it because of any change in your metabolism?

Well it has got nothing to do with your age or metabolism or menopause. The truth is something else. It is something we are unaware of. If you visit a doctor with these complains what you will hear are stuff like these – “extreme work pressure”, “follow strict diet”, “take vitamin or mineral supplements”. However in reality these are not the right solution for you.

When you notice some changes have occurred suddenly, you are finding it hard to get out of bed, weight gain has gone out of control, may be your stomach, hips, thighs and upper arms make you feel embarrassed, perhaps you are falling sick on a regular basis and finding it hard to fight cold, flu, stomach craps and constipation.

So how are you going to get rid of all these problems? Discover how you are going to get back that full-on energy and shed those extra pounds within a week and to feel your best in just seven days. When you go for a natural health plan, doing away with these problems will seem to be easy.

However before you make any plan; you should know the cause behind these problems. If it is not menopause, not age, not metabolism then what is it? It is the food you have. Yes, it may sound weird. But this is true. Just think of the scenario. Almost everyday some or the other food item has been imported from other parts of the country. How long do you keep packed foods in shelves and then how long do you keep cooked food in the refrigerator.

Have you ever thought how do the foods taste good just after you heat them up? It is because a lot more pesticides, preservatives, artificial flavor and insecticides are used to keep the food items eatable. As a result your body gets a lot of toxin when you eat these foods.

So what is the conclusion? Yes, you have got it right. You will have to change your food. Go for fresh fruits and vegetables instead of packed or tinned food. Don’t refrigerate cooked food for a long time. Avoid eating junk foods or spicy and oily food. Have short meals at regular intervals instead of having large meals twice or thrice a day. When you eat fresh food you will easily get back your lost energy and you will stop gaining extra pounds.

Remember, change in food habit can offer best result when combined with exercise. You can feel your best when diet and exercise go hand in hand.

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