Jesus Alone
No matter if it is Islam, Buddhism, Tao, Confucianism, or Hinduism, all of these major world religions teach how man has to do something to get God on his side. Christianity on the other hand, teaches that God loves man so much that He was willing to do something so that He could have a relationship with man. Now just step back and think about it for a second. What sounds more like a God-like characteristic to you? The way I see it the answer is obvious. What parent in their right mind would make their children perform just so they could relate to them?
So what does the bible say about God drawing closer to man rather than man having to draw closer to God?
1.)The bible says that Jesus paid the price for our sins. He did this willingly and out of obedience to God knowing that the end result would be that we could actually have an one on one relationship with God.
2.)You see, God sent Jesus to us. No other world religion has their founder and leader dying for the sins of his followers, let alone, dying for the sins of those that hated him and killed him. Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price so all of us have available to us a personal relationship with God.
3.) God is a gentleman. He does not force us to follow Him or demand we perform, but instead He makes the way for us but leaves the decision of following Him or drawing close to him up to us.
When compared to Christianity, the other religions of the world are drastically different. Only Christianity has a God that cared enough to make a way for a person to have a personal relationship with Him.
If you are going to follow what the bible says then the only way for you to have a personal relationship with the Heavenly Father is by trusting in Christ alone. The only way to have a personal relationship with God is by doing it the way God showed and by following God’s plan. Jesus himself stated that He was the only way to the Father. So now it is up to you. Was Jesus speaking the truth or was He a nutcase? If you decide like I have that He was telling the truth, then isn’t it about time you trusted in Jesus?
To find out more about how to trust Christ only go to Taber’s Truths Christian Blog and Bible Teachings. You will totally enjoy it.