Stress Symptoms to Beware Of

There are many different symptoms of stress, and it’s not always easy to recognize them, because in many cases they overlap with other types of symptoms. By looking at yourself honestly, or even seeking professional help, you can find out if your main problem is stress. The following are some common stress symptoms that it’s good to be aware of, but you may experience stress in your own way.

If left unchecked, stress will compromise your immune system. Stressed out people may seem to be sick all the time, catching random illnesses at the drop of a hat. Granted, the illnesses themselves cause the symptoms but the lowered immunity, as a result of stress, it what allows them in to begin with. Your body just isn’t able to keep up when you’re stressed out so you catch everything. While your allergies aren’t the result of the stress in your life, stress can make them more severe. You need to reduce stress if you are truly interested in new ways to stay healthy. Your personal and professional relationships also suffer mainly because of your difficulty with controlling your moods due to abnormal levels of stress. Your temperament also changes with high stress levels such that you become impatient and intolerant of others. If you are more prone to arguments, road rage, and overreaction to even the smallest issue, then you may have a stress problem. This, in turn, can make your relationships more difficult and create even more stress, so it’s important to find ways to manage stress that’s causing you to act out in ways that may be inappropriate.

Once in a while stress can cause some pretty severe symptoms that can mimic other serious conditions such as heart attack. Some symptoms of stress such as difficulty breathing, lightheadedness and chest pains are indicative of a panic attack brought on by stress. Of course if you or someone you know experiences any of these symptoms seek immediate medical attention as they can also be of a more serious nature. There are several treatments available for stress related heart attack symptoms so you still need to get medical help if you are having any of these symptoms. If you suffer from panic attacks or any of the above symptoms, with help, you can learn to recognize the onset of such symptoms and offset attacks.

No matter what type of symptoms stress may be causing in you, there are ways to effectively deal with it. You just might discover that one or more of the symptoms mentioned here applies to you or even that you have completely different symptoms. Symptoms of stress do not have to be permanent since there are so many effective stress reduction treatments and methods available.

Marley Martinerin is a regular contributor to a number of sites and writes articles about such topics as k cups coffee world, and starbucks k cups.

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