How To Look Amazing Every Summer: Don’t Listen To Old Theories
Well it’s summer time, that time of the year that everyone loves to relax and under the warm sunshine. It is the perfect time of the year for barbecues, beaches and parties by the pool. For those of us that like to work on their bodies this mean something else as well: it is time to show off all of that hard work that you have been killing yourself over. I don’t know about you but I sure don’t want to walk around with a flabby unattractive body. Most amateur weight lifters and bodybuilders that I know spend the entire year working just for this time of year.
Getting “Summer Ripped”
Generally during the year people work out with heavier weights and lower reps. But, when they want to start to “cut down” and burn off the fat they use lighter weights and higher reps. I think a lot personal trainers in the world would also come to this conclusion as well.
The reality is however that the theory of “lighter weights with higher reps” to get ripped is completely incorrect.
Actually there really is no logical basis for this theory at all. This is incorrect and has caused countless people throughout the years to waste their time and block their progress inside the gym.
So just to get this straight for everyone out there: it is impossible to spot reduce. What I mean is that you cannot target a certain area on your body in the hopes to burn fat on that specific body part. If you spend hours benching light weight and high reps you will not cause fat to suddenly disappear there and magically become harder and more defined.
Anytime that you pick up a weight you should have the goal in mind to get the most muscle growth possible. No matter what anyone tells you there is no top secret way to lift weights that will get you more defined.
The bottom line is lifting will build muscle mass. So you might be asking yourself, “ok so then how do I get my muscles defined?”
There is only one way to get ripped and have defined muscles and that is by lowering your body fat in order to have your muscle more clearly visible. Below are the way that body fat can be reduced:
Change your diet
Your caloric intake should be lowered to roughly 15 times your overall bodyweight. You should also focus on more frequent but smaller meals during the day. This keeps your metabolism raised naturally quite often and will also have your body burning fat constantly. Also, limit your saturated fat intake, lower the amount of sugar and instead focus on lean protein consumption. You will also want to lower your intake of glycemic carbs. Another important part of a good diet is keeping hydrated. Aim for .6 ounces of water per pound of weight.
Cardio is your friend
Forget the old school methods of doing moderately intense cardio for 30 minutes or more. To maximize your fat burning and at the same time minimize muscle loss during fat burning, keep your cardio exercises level higher for shorter periods of time. This kind of workout will raise your resting metabolism very high and will have you burning calories even when you are resting.
So the secret is that there really is no secret! Throw those old notions that light weights and high reps will get you cut. These old and incorrect methods are not only a waste of time but can also cause you to lose muscle mass and strength.
The “secret” to sculpting rock hard muscles for the summer or anytime is:
1) Lift hard and heavy with low reps to create the largest mass.
2) Update your diet and change your dated cardio workouts to zap the body fat and get ripped.
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