How to burn Hulu videos to DVD on Mac with Hulu to DVD Burner Mac? always provides us with all kinds of videos we want to watch, popular or classical. As summer vacation is coming, I have downloaded some classical TV series, that TV station have stopped to play, from, and burn them to DVD as a special gift to my grandmother, because she like watching them very much, of course with larger screen, not a Mac screen, so I want to know how to burn Hulu video to DVD on Mac?

Hulu video to DVD Burner Mac is the professional software to convert Hulu videos to DVD on Mac OS X. If you have downloaded many Hulu videos, you can burn these Hulu videos to DVD for backup, and after burning Hulu video to DVD on Mac, you can watch Hulu videos on home DVD player with larger screen together with families and friends. At the same time, to burn Hulu videos to DVD Mac will release many space for your Mac.

Guide: How to burn Hulu videos to DVD on Mac OS X?

Before burning Hulu videos to DVD on Mac, you need to download Hulu videos with Hulu Downloader Mac.
hulu downloader mac

Step1: Download and install Hulu video to DVD Burner Mac

Step2: Load Hulu videos
load hulu videos

Step3: Output setting
output setting

Step4: Start to burn Hulu videos to DVD on Mac
burn hulu videos to dvd on mac

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