Open Source Development Programs— A Brief

Since the advent of the Internet, open source web development programs had started flaring its wings. They are a people’s program, that are created, maintained and used by them. As the name suggests, they are open for the use of everyone, does not involve any cost and at the same time allowing the most effective accessibility available to a program’s source code. The world where nothing comes for free, there if we have the opportunity to these open source programs, it more like a pie on the cake.

Obviously, there is no denial that they add on to the quality and the efficiency of your site. They are readily available and accessible to everyone rendering the almost flawless service. And, as it has been already mentioned that they are open source, so they are free of the license and the server charges. These development programs are flexible, thereby giving full authority to the users that they can have their own codes and programs and can be accessed by anywhere, anytime. The user is free to make changes according to his/her needs.

Since, the market is flooded with these open source development programs and why not, they offer such a wide number of choices as advantages, we would like to cover the three most popular open source development programs that is, Drupal, Joomla! And Magento.

With Magento, you have the fastest and the the most adaptable open source program that provides a theme based framework that consists of layouts, templates and skins. It includes the most comprehensive features that laden your e-commerce site with a management that is, friendly both from the customer’s as well as the administrative end.

Drupal has often been criticised because of some of the technicalities involved but offers the most dynamic applications and proves to be very versatile in nature. It not only provides a complete control over the look but the PHP and the HTML coding saves a lot of time.

As they always say, Joomla! has always proved to be a boon for everyone in the web industry. Its templates serve as the basic foundation for all the php, html, xhtml, and images. While offering an absolute control over the content and the presentation, it offers a multi-user and multi environment that provides an interaction that in turn carry out its developmental process.

You would be able to find the support of the big shot and even small and medium sized web designing and development companies who are ready to lend in their full fledged support in using these development programs.

By PixelCrayons
Ecommerce Web Development Company

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