Childhood obesity and overweight

Childhood obesity and overweight, is increasingly becoming the urban parents annoyances. The health level of Chinese children in global what level & mzt botanical-slimming softgels? Obese and overweight is the effect of the meizitang botanical slimming biggest obstacle to China’s children’s health & mzt botanical-slimming softgels?

Recently, the health ministry said the fourth child physique growth in China report. By learned, this survey sponsored MeiZanChen infant whole food enterprise of Beijing, Harbin, xian, Shanghai, nanjing, wuhan, fuzhou, guangzhou, kunming nine city and its JiaoOuXian, investigated seven years old the following healthy children, including 69760 138775 urban, suburban evenly 69015, man and woman, and introduced the world health organization first promulgated by the growth of the meizitang botanical slimming children related standard for comparison and analysis.

Survey results show that height and weight as the main index, our children’s growth standards have obvious growth, including major cities children growth average, has reached the world health organization of the meizitang botanical slimming proposed standards, as well as the growth and development of children developed countries similar results.

Increase heavy as fill “brain”

The survey report shows that malnutrition isbotanical slimming strong version meizitang still influence Chinese children to grow and health problems. Overweight and obesity rates in the rapid growth of city residents, show of bad way of life and not proper nutrition ideas, not only are seriously harming adult health, butbotanical slimming meizitang softgels also seriously affect children’s growth and health, and greatly increased the risk factors of chronic adulthood.

But concerned expert points out, childhood obesity problem is severe, but the idea behind brought out the nutrition is more alarming, “a lot of people are mistaken for childhood obesity is overnutrition performance, actually the real cause of the meizitang botanical slimming obesity among children issome botanical slimming strong version meizitangdeficiencies performance”. The expert points out, on the market at present a lot of health care and nourishment, has put too much emphasis on “fill” traditional ideas, it is easy to cause the child malnutrition, affect protein absorption, thereby causing obesebotanical slimming meizitang softgels or strong version or overweight.

For the children under the age of 12, weight is not the core concerns, important is tall and intellectual development. Many parents think children are a long body, they burn out to let their children eatsome botanical slimming strong version meizitanglikelihood, which can easily lead to nourishment overweight, and once child overweight and blind lose weight, but easy to cause the malnutrition, affect children healthy growth.

Children under 12 nutrition is focused on brain development

“Children under 12, scientific nutrition concept should put emphasis on brain development.” Experts stressed that the development of the meizitang botanical slimming brain important from choline. In the human body, choline is a precursor of the meizitang botanical slimming synthesis of acetylcholine, while acetylcholine was involved in memory formation of important neurotransmitters, helps improve memory. Expert introduction, in infancy, intake 24 mg / 100 kilocalorie of choline, can help to enhance the most effective memory, let the baby has a good learning and memory.

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