Fair Share From Partnership Long Term Care Insurance

Buying a long term care insurance policy is like striking a deal with reliable business partners; and the deal eventually benefits everybody down the road.

You ask who are the parties involved in this business deal?  There’s the insurance company, the Medicaid program and you.

There are countless reasons that make the partnership program a practical choice among individuals who are planning their health care. First of all, many people did not accumulate their properties and liquid assets overnight.  They had to work like a dog and put up with different kinds of unpleasant situations and people because they needed their jobs to be able to provide a good life for their families.

Naturally, nobody who has spent more than 40 years of his life in hard work wants to see his assets disappear so easily.  If his life is on the line though, will he have any choice?

As one ages, he will start experiencing changes in health.  Once an individual gets to this phase in his life and feels hindered from doing the usual things that he has grown accustomed to including the activities of daily living such as eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, continence, and even the simplest act of transferring from the bed to a chair, he cannot ignore the fact that he needs long term care (LTC) services.

Unfortunately, the cost of care is not easy on the pocket. If you were not able to come up with a specific plan for long term care let alone secure a long term care insurance (LTCI) policy that will cover your LTC expenses, you are left with no choice but to spend down your assets so that Medicaid can take you in.

On the other hand, if you have purchased a policy prior to your retirement you are very lucky as you are going to be protected from the erratic cost of care in the country.

What Sets Partnership Long Term Care Insurance Apart

Unlike the regular insurance policy for long term care, the partnership program promises more benefits like Medicaid assistance should you need it in the future.

Here’s how it works.  An individual has to purchase a partnership-qualified LTCI policy which stipulates a maximum benefit that is equivalent to the amount of assets which he intends to protect.

After using up his policy benefits, a policyholder can apply for Medicaid to receive additional care.  Based on the law, Medicaid only accepts applicants who have assets worth $2,000 or lower.  You are an exemption though if you have a partnership LTCI policy because you get to protect the amount of your assets that is equal to your maximum benefit.

No doubt that the state, private insurance company and you, the policyholder, get your fair share of benefits from the partnership program.  You will help Medicaid cut down its nationwide expenditures as your private insurance covers a greater portion of your LTC expenses.

Meanwhile, you get to avail Medicaid assistance without having to lose any of your assets.  If you want to know more about the partnership long term care insurance, consult your state’s department of insurance and inquire about its requirements.

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