Lace Wig Terminology

Are all the terms surrounding lace wigs confusing you? As a first time buyer the idea of a lace wig may be exciting yet confusing all at the same time. With terms such as full lace wigs, monofilament lace wig caps, ear to ear stretch lace, and vapon glue, it is very easy to get lost in the mix. If you are searching for not just answers but definitions, this simple guide will explain the essential terms for beginners.

Lace Wig

A lace wig is the general term for any wig that includes lace. Lace is installed for a natural hair appearance around the hairline or throughout the scalp. Lace types and benefits vary greatly. Lace wigs have long been best full lace wigs in Hollywood and in the hair industry. More recently, lace wigs have made their way to the consumer market for anyone to use.

Lace Front Wig

A lace front wig is a normal wig that contains lace within the first few inches of the hairline for a natural appearance. Some lace front wigs include lace near the hairline as well as near the nape of the neck. A traditional lace front wig solely has lace in the front. Discounted prices and synthetic hair is popular with lace front wig makers.

Lace frontal

A lace frontal is very different from a lace front wig yet many people are confused between these two terms. A lace frontal is not a full wig. A lace frontal is a partial unit that begins at the hairline and continues three to five premium lace wigs before the crown of the head.

A lace frontal has many applications. For women who have suffered from hair damage, receding hairlines or alopecia, lace frontals aid in natural and fuller hair. Since most damage is incurred in the first few inches of the hairline, lace frontal cover this damage. Also, many women who simply want a natural hairline for hair extensions or weaves install lace fronta

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