How do I get a Cell Tower on my Property?

Getting a cell tower installed on a property depends entirely on the carriers needs. Carriers decide whether or not to choose a property depending on their requirements. So, putting your property on offer can never really help you. And chances of carriers approaching you are always remote because they have to choose a property based on certain criteria.

Carriers require specific geographic locations. The location must meet particular radio frequency standards. If your property doesn’t meet this, carriers simply won’t be interested.

The distance between two towers also plays a crucial role. If there already is a cell tower within a radius of one mile of where you stay, chances of getting a tower would be less. This is because zoning policy of local areas requires carriers to use existing towers. Also, if you have a residentially zoned property surrounded by industrial property chances dim out. Chances brighten if it is the other way round.

The density of population around your property also matters a lot. If your property is located in a town with a population less than 2000 or more than half a mile away from the highway, you won’t have a chance. On the contrary, if it is located in a suburban area and is close to roads with high traffic, your chances brighten.

Also, if your property is less than 30 feet taller than other buildings, within a radius of one mile, your chances fade out.

None of us have thought all this out while constructing a property. So, most properties fail to meet the criteria. If a property happens to meet these requirements, then it is sheer by chance. So it makes little sense to crave for a cell tower installation on your property.

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