Lasting Planet – Mold Cleanup
Mold can cause a lot of damage to building structures, whether concrete, wood, or even metal, and the main reason for its formation is dampness. Some molds are even toxic, like the black mold, and this can even cause illness and death in humans. There are a variety of excellent mold cleanup products on the market, but few can compete with Lasting Planet’s mold cleanup products, which have been tried and tested by thousands of customers on many different types of mold and mildew. Now you can use the convenience of Internet technology to read about the effectiveness of our mold cleanup sprays, and when you are satisfied order it in the comfort of your own home.
What makes our products very desirable to customers is the fact that they are green-friendly products, which mean that when using them no harm is done on the environment. Sure, you can purchase dozens of competitive products, but can they tell you they are environmentally-friendly? Many cleaning products and mold cleanup chemicals are formulated using harsh, manmade chemicals, which can do untold environmental damage, and even pollute water supplies. The HygienicAire product family is safe to use, and equally effective, if not more so than many other products of this nature. We have a variety of top quality products which can be viewed and ordered in our catalog all at incredible value for money, and all environmentally-safe as well!
Our mold cleanup products have ingredients such as tea tree oil, which is known for its excellent cleaning and mold removal plus the anti-bacterial properties that come with it. When you use our HygienicAire mold cleanup, it also removes that musty smell that mold and mildew also make and afterwards you are left with a spotlessly clean surface that will also prevent further growth of mold. Many clients have even sprayed our mold cleanup into air conditioners, and around washing machines, and in bathrooms. Used as directed, you can look forward to a non-harmful, natural product that has been researched and formulated after intensive research. Our mold prevention technology has been highly acclaimed as a one-of-a-kind, top-of-the-range solution for all types of mold.
Tea tree oil is a naturally renewable product that is commercially farmed, and you will find that it is successfully used in hundreds of different products, including skin and beauty products. We have taken it and used it with our special mold cleanup product that works effectively wherever you use it on many types of mold and mildew problems. Have a look at the mold cleanup product, our safe environmentally-friendly tire sealing product, plus the heavy duty mold protection, and prevention product suitable for building contractors and homeowners that are remodeling. Check out the ten year warranty we offer on these products, and the quality guarantee you get for all the Lasting Planet products we have available. Bookmark our website because we know that once you have tried them out you will definitely be back for more!