Four basic specification can be successfully applied management software

Many enterprises in the deployment of information technology, CIO Management Software When the start is great interest; but near the end of information technology projects, they like water plants that Yan longer. Information management software as they do not get results as expected, so CIO as investors can not explain. So why would result in the process of situation? CIO is not a need to carefully analyze and summarize a little? I work in practice are often encountered, such a contrast. According to my analysis, this may be caused by following reasons.

A basic data preparation is not ideal.

Information technology projects, one-third of the software, seven implementation, twelfth data. Shows data for information based on the importance of the project. But unfortunately, many enterprises of information technology projects or information posted on this basis the bounded from point. If the author before the time the implementation of information technology projects, on the basis of the information on a lot of unnecessary long way to go. Prior to the ERP system, companies, enterprises already have an information management system. This is an R & D enterprise itself a product information database, to manage the company's product information. In this product information library, all materials are encoded by serial number. This coding principle is not very scientific. If a veteran real-time enterprise, but also some common products that can remember the number. When new employees to the company, it's hard to remember in a short time these laws have not the slightest coding. Results of their product information in the query, when basically the product name or specifications to check and reduce the query speed. The most terrible is that some new staff may not be familiar with the system of the previous record, so when they can not find a product record (in fact, the system exists), they will build the product information. The results led to record product information repository repeated situations. Later this became the system used in enterprise information management in the chicken ribs, throwing the pity, tasteless. Enterprises in the choice of this system is very difficult to make a decision.

In fact, this information base is now largely been paralyzed stage. Because the basic data repository there is a serious flaw. If coding is unreasonable, the product record, etc. These basic data are not the only fatal flaw, a serious impact on information systems for normal use. Based on the quality of these data can not be guaranteed, the effect of information systems also can imagine. Later I told a business leaders together, finally gave up the product information database, and prepare the ERP system. When the deployment of ERP systems, the author of various sectors of the elite drawn product information database on the original product information is sorted out. Really ignore the do not know, one reason surprised. The product information database of product information that only about 40% of the contents of the can. No wonder before the product information database in the enterprise is not able to play its due role in it.

So I believe that, based on data is not ideal, such as coding or unreasonable basis for the existence of duplicate data, errors of the phenomenon, this is a project of Enterprise Information is not satisfied with the culprit.

I am an expert from China Products, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as concaves , socket pipe plug.

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