Document Indexing Assists In Finding The Desired Document Quickly

Document indexing is a process where data stored in a document and information about the document itself is captured, making it easy to search for a specific document from hundreds of thousands of scanned documents.
Finding documents quickly and effortlessly is a need of any organization that deals with exchange of information either with their clients as an important part of their customer service or within the organization itself.

Document management is a critical area of any organization dealing with the handling of information. It helps streamline and manage the flow of information among customers and the staff.

Optical Character Recognition, or OCR, is the most common method used to capture text from within the document. There is another method of document indexing that captures the details about the document under different heads and stores this data. This can help in locating specific documents from hundreds of thousands of files swiftly when needed.

Indexing of documents improves the process of retrieving the scanned electronic files. The premier document scanning services offer many options of storing the index information. Storing in some cases depends on the types of scanned documents that you need to store.

Leading document imaging services offer many indexing plans for retrieving documents quickly and effectively if you need to create searchable Portable Document Format (PDF) documents. You can use any common desktop search engine or more advanced search tools, such as Concordance, SharePoint, or Documentum. With just one simple keystroke, you can access the desired document. The process can get you get detailed and quick information, helping you improve the decision-making process for your business by a few notches.

Document indexing is established by major service providers who process the images and use forms recognition, OCR, and information inserted during the scanning process. The processed information is then stored with the document as part of the file name or as keywords that can be used to retrieve the document quickly when needed. Tagging of documents in this way at the point of conversion or even later helps you find them in a snap from the huge volume of documents that your organization adds to the database every day.

Document indexing using efficient software takes only a few minutes, but it can save your organization hours of productive and valuable time. It is a crucial element of any organization’s document management policy and helps create a unique extraction method that offers better control on the flow of information.

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