iPhone app After-Life providing the tools for when we pass away

Organising what we want to happen to our possessions after we die is something most of us put off, it’s much easier to live in the here and now, and avoid the realities of the cycle of life.  ‘I’ll think about that tomorrow, next week, next year…..’ is our most common reaction.

But, what if we had the ability at our finger tips to make a list of everything we owned and what we would want to be done with them when we pass away, along with last wishes, and a list of things like passwords and insurance policies?

The new i-phone app After-Life provides just that! It’s easy to access, taking just a few moments to log in to, user friendly, logical and most important; secure.  In addition, it is versatile and can be accessed from both your phone and on-line so it can be updated any time, anywhere!

When you sign up, After-Life lets you fill in details of your wishes for your possessions after your passing, which has the added bonus that it could also be used as an inventory in the event of an insurance claim if disaster strikes in the home.

In the event of your death, this means that the people you trust to access the account, which has been designed to either be open to viewing during your life, or be hidden until you die, can use the details to make sure that all your wishes are met and they can be given more of a sense of closure knowing that they have done everything in the way you would have wanted.

Tying up loose ends after you pass away can be a costly and lengthy process where those left behind are often in the dark.  Although After-Life isn’t a formal will, it can be used as a blue print to write one, and contains the majority of the information that you would need for this.  It certainly means that loved ones will not have to use guess work to settle your estate, as you can update After-Life with every detail of your life as you go through each day.

You could even use After-Life to leave personal messages for people so anything you always meant to say to people during your life but never did doesn’t have to remain unsaid.

After-Life means that you don’t have to say ‘I’ll think about it another day’. This app makes it so easy to make sure that all your wishes are fulfilled, even after you pass away.  After-Life is not only practical but it offers peace of mind for both you and your loved ones that are left behind.

Download it NOW!!

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