How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work Tips

I had a long distance relationship when I was in the university. My beau and I were about 2,000 miles apart. If someone managed to show me how to make long distance relationships work, then chances are we would still be in love.

College was around 20 years ago. Now, I’m happily married to someone else and have no regrets, but at the time of my long-distance breakup, I was in a lot of emotional pain because I really believed the relationship would work. It took a long time for me to get over the breakup as I tried to get the old relationship back.

Hence, I can relate with your problem as you try to build a relationship while miles apart. I can now teach you how to make long distance relationships work as I have gone through the same problem myself. Following are some techniques that you may use.

First of all, observe regular contact through various methods like Skype or Facebook. Since you’re miles apart physically, technology would be able to make the distance shorter. These are the items that I wish we had when I was dealing with a long distance relationship.
Next, the two of you should trust each other implicitly. That doesn’t mean that just because your partner isn’t present, you can cheat on him with other men. Partners should make an effort to be constantly available not to mention open with each other’s lives. Basically, this means no cheating or not even a hint of being unfaithful.

This means that both partners should always reassure each other when in doubt, make an effort to validate the relationship and all in all showing a heightened level of maturity.

Third, set up dates where the two of you can talk to each other through the phone or internet. If you do not have a scheduled time to see each other again, you should make a time asap! Most relationships die from the simple fact that the partners no longer know the next time they will talk. This is the key aspect of how to make long distance relationships work – doing everything you can to maintain contact.

Lastly, an LDR is very hard to maintain. If you think your relationship is headed for breakup, you should take a more proactive attitude and get some outside help. There are people who can help you save your relationship even if the other person wants to end it.

For a complete guide about How To Make Long Distance Relationships Work, check out Get Back Together 101 .

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