Going virtual with a physical address

It is amazing what effect technology has on the way that we live, play and conduct our business. Your office is where you are with your smartphone, tablet or laptop providing complete mobility. Mobile network carriers makes available this universal mobility. You just have to investigate the massive marketing effort by mobile carriers to absorb where the mobile trend is going. In conjunction with this increased travelling costs, mainly due to a global increase in fuel prices, have placed the focus on conducting business from a remote address away from head quarters. Employees and business people now have their office wherever they are and where they can conduct their business in a virtual world.

What is the definition of virtual ?

“Having most properties, the look, essence, or effect, of something without actually being that thing.”

Acting in a virtual atmosphere does have its benefits. You do not require to own or be in a physical address to conduct your work. You can work from anywhere. The biggest problem however is that having the attributes, the appearance, essence or effect of a business establishment without the physical appearance of that company can have its challenges.

How does your business portray a corporate image ? Where do you meet your customers for important meetings ? Coffee shops can only take you so far. Where is your base that you actually conduct your business from ? Meeting your customers at home does not really necessarily portray a very good impression.

Combining a virtual environment with AAA offices is the answer. This provides a base to conduct your business from and provide an instant corporate identity where you have the appearance, essence, effect of something and actually being that something. If you can combine this something with a national footprint then you have a winner. If this something saves up to 88% on operational office costs then it is a “no brainer”..

Location, management ability and information technology infrastructure is key to such a development. This is not the type of development that can be constructed with no further involvement. Sustainable long term engagement is key for the successful operations of such a concept .

These unique prime offices are found in South Africa for the same amount or less compared to renting. Office space was created with office infrastructure and services implemented without the company owner/tenant or investor having to install the infrastructure or services themselves.

The solution results in an instant serviced office concept where all the infrastructure and services are implemented prior to taking occupation. Through this utility operational expenses for the business owner/tenant, related to the premises, are dissipated by up to 88% whereby capital spending can be deflated to 0%.

This is a truly virtual environment with a physical location.

These unique offices in South Africa provide advantages to companies in small/medium and even large enterprises where they can operate in a virtual environment with a physical address. In addition to the above this contribute to an ideal setting for investments in South Africa.

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