Kaddish Prayer
If you’re seriously interested in knowing about Kaddish Prayer, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about Kaddish Prayer.
Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realize that there’s more to Kaddish Prayer than you may have first thought.
Is it better to hire someone to say Kaddish for your loved ones, or find someone to do it for free?
This is an old issue. Understandably, people prefer the freebies, and can save money to get it done for free. Also, someone to say Kaddish for free is a someone say frankly, is not the thought of reward. He will only do what is right. It seems that this would be better if someone says its share and a charge of reciting Kaddish as a job. However, like many areas of life, freedom is often the most expensive and complex.
Take a look at some biblical precedent for this. We know there are a select group of people working in the Holy Temple, the sacrifices and to serve the entire ritual is there. These are the priests, the Cohanim. We worked with great pride and dedication to the cost of living when necessary. So highly motivated people, who did his best to perform well. However, surprisingly, the Torah, the Old Testament prescribes a series of payments to the priestly tribe, not as a concession or a gift, but payment for his services in the administration of the Temple. This indicates, it seems, in fact, it is best to hire someone – even for the direct service of God – for volunteers to do the work.
At a funeral of the son of the deceased recites an even more of the Kaddish, which refers to the resurrection.
In the Middle Ages in Germany Kaddish Yatom (“Kaddish Mounier”) was introduced, which was adopted by Jews everywhere. One child (in some communities as a girl) recites Kaddish this special eleven months after the death of a parent and on the anniversary (Yahrzeit) of death. The principle behind the mourners Kaddish is that when the child’s name to sanctify God in public, recite the doxology, merit is acquired by the soul of the parents.
A great many Jews, if not particularly religious rituals, to observe carefully, “said the Kaddish,” as it is called, go to services with the goal of every morning and evening, since, according to the practice Orthodox
One reason is that we want to do hard work, and we want it done. Wages will be to get there. Based on the goodwill of volunteers is a recipe for disappointment, because there is a commitment of support. Willingness surprisingly quickly dissipates.
Thus, some authorities see in this an indication that, if possible, one cannot rely on voluntary, but required to pay someone to say Kaddish, in case they cannot express themselves.