Valves – Safety & Thermal Relief Valves, Pressure Reducing Valves, Automatic Control Valves

Valves – Types and Uses

Devices that regulate the flow of fluids like gases, liquids or slurries are commonly known as valves. These are actually a kind of pipe fittings commonly used in fluid control applications in industrial, military, commercial, residential, and transportation sectors. Petrochemical, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals, water treatment, power, iron, mining, cement, food, paper, textile, drilling are some of the main industrial areas where valves are implemented for the efficient flow of fluids. Some of the popular kinds of industrial valves include safety and thermal relief valves, pressure reducing valves, automatic control valves, pneumatic control valves and plastic lined valves like FEP, PFA, ETFE, PTFE lined valves.

Safety & Thermal Relief Valves

Safety valves are the devices that prevent excessive internal fluid pressure build-up in industrial systems. These get their name because of their functionality which is to safeguard the life and property by controlling the excess pressure or temperature often occurring in industrial processes occurring due to factors like imbalance of fluid flow rate, failure of cooling system and control instrumentation etc. There are two general types of fluid protections necessary in industries, thermal and flow protection. The valves used for flow protection are the safety relief valves where as those used for thermal protection are the thermal relief valves. The safety relief valves or pressure relief valves are responsible for the automatic release of a substance from a boiler or pressure vessel when the pressure or temperature exceeds preset limits, thus preventing any kinds of hazards to take place. On the other hand the thermal relief valves provide protection from excess pressure caused by thermal expansion in industrial processes.

Pressure Reducing Valves

Pressure reducing valves or downstream pressure control valves are the pressure regulating devices which automatically reduce high inlet pressure of a system to a steady lower downstream pressure. These are usually the piston operated devices designed for holding downstream pressures to the pre-determined limits. For continuous distribution applications usage of internally pilot controlled pressure reducing valves is recommendable.

Automatic Control Valves

Automatic control valves are used for automatic control of conditions like flow, pressure, temperature, and liquid level in the industrial processes. These operate by automatic opening or closing in response to signals received from independent devices such as flow meters or temperature gauges. The control valves are usually fitted with hydraulic and pneumatic actuators and positioners that are responsible for valve opening and closing by sensing the changes of pressure or flow in the systems. Those fitted with pneumatic actuators and positioners are called pneumatic control valves and commonly used for handling a wide variety of process applications like air, water, steam, gas, oil and other fluids having wide flow range requirements.

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