Lanyard – Water Bottle Attachment
A custom lanyard can help you lose those few unwanted pounds. Sound strange? Water is a key ingredient to weight loss. If you are trying to lose weight it is recommended that you drink at last eight glasses of water every day. This may seem like a lot but your body really needs water.
People do not realize that if a body is going to function at its best it needs to have water. Water helps all of your organs to work properly and it is a major part of the metabolism process. If you are not drinking sufficient amounts of water your body actually goes into “protection” mode. It begins to store water in various parts of your body.
When you start drinking the recommended amount of water you may find that you have to go to the bathroom frequently. This is your body’s way of adjusting to the change. Once it realizes that it is going to get the water that it needs it will start to release the water that it has been storing. You may think that you are just drinking and going directly to the bathroom but what is really happening is your body is cleansing itself. After a few days you should begin to notice a change. You will lose that extra water that you have stored.
The other way that water helps you to lose weight is by giving you a satisfied feeling. The signals to drink and eat are very similar. The next time you have the urge to snack, drink a glass of water instead. You will feel full and may realize that you not really all that hungry. Your body was simply telling you that it needed something.
Trying to drink eight glasses of water every day while you are working and going about your daily routine may seem like a challenge but a lanyard can help. Get yourself a great lanyard with the right clasp. Many good manufacturers are offering an O ring clasp. This simple ring can fit onto almost size of water bottle. No matter where you go during the day, you can have the water with you at all times.
Water bottles are a concern to many people. Plastic bottles are a major contributor to the overflowing landfills. If you are worried about this you can get a refillable water container. This bottle can be attached to your lanyard by using either the loop or a hook attachment. By doing this you can ensure that you have water all the time and are not adding to the landfill problem. You will also save money by not buying a drink every time you are thirsty.
Drinking enough water every day will help you to lose those unwanted pounds. You can drink all the water that you want and not have to worry about calories. This will reduce your desire to snack and fill-up on extras that your body does not need. Your body will dispel all the stored water. People do not realize that there is a lot of extra water in their bodies all the time. A custom lanyard with an O ring attachment is an easy way to ensure that you are gaining all the benefits from drinking water.