Be Sensible When Deciding on a Career
Some have a clear idea of their vocation in life while others find choosing a career path quite daunting, whether you are just about to leave college in search of work or you are looking for work after being unemployed for a long period of time there are still some valuable tips worth considering.
Being aware of your personal strengths and weaknesses is important, if you can find employment doing a job that you enjoy then so much the better. Understanding oneself can be far harder than you think but many job centers and websites have facilities which allow you to take a self evaluation test. The test will allow you to reach a conclusion about your beliefs and attitude toward work.
Chatting with a job counselor is another useful way of gaining an insight into what kind of employment you would enjoy. An experienced counselor may suggest that you spend some time working in the voluntary sector, not only will it affirm whether a particular type of work is suitable but it will give much needed experience.
In today’s world a basic education is essential and every employer will look for someone who is numerate and literate, other employers will require people who are computer literate, able to think on their feet and have good interpersonal skills. In any employment it is an advantage to have a reasonable standard of general knowledge.
Choosing a career path is an unenviable task and some may try to turn an interest or a hobby into a money making venture but the current economic climate can make this a tough way to earn a wage. If you have a hobby that could make you some cash then it may be worth expanding on that, if you are unafraid to take chances in life there is more chance of success, self belief can be the key for any budding entrepreneur.
After assessing yourself it is a good idea to draw up a list of things that you excel at and areas that need to be worked upon, then make a note of people who you know or are acquainted with who may be able to offer assistance. Contacts are useful and can be a great help when searching for the right type of employment, no harm will come from writing letters to companies who may be looking for employees and it costs little to make enquiries by telephone.
Choosing a career path has to be planned in advance, ensure that you have taken time to create a comprehensive CV and that it is updated regularly. If you feel that your CV is lacking in some areas then make inroads to strengthen that weak area, if needs be return to college to further your studies.
When choosing a career path many people have to start at the bottom of the ladder and climb up slowly and it is sensible to accept that it may take time to get where you want to be. It could even be the case that you may pick one particular field to work in and change direction as time goes by.
If you’re searching for a job you could try Pretoria Jobs or even Jobs in Johannesburg to search for regional jobs.