My Beautiful Life: Maya Fiennes
Maya Fiennes (sister-in-law of actors Ralph and Joseph) is a yoga teacher to some of the most beautiful bodies in the world; Elle Macpherson describes her classes as “inspirational, energising, sexy.”
Looking ten years younger than her real age of 47, Maya Fiennes credits Kundalini Yoga and philosophy as the ‘secret’ to her serene life.
Maya Fiennes says: “The beauty of it is that the relaxation effects are immediate whether you do a one-hour active session, a mantra-chanting meditation or just a three-minute kriya exercise.”
Based in Los Angeles with her husband and two children, Maya Fiennes runs Kundalini Yoga workshops and retreats all over the world.
How has kundalini yoga changed your life?
Maya Fiennes: I used to get caught up in everyday stress, starting arguments with traffic wardens, for example. Now, thanks to Kundalini Yoga, I’m balanced, happy, focused and, most of all, full of energy!
What’s your advice to women who feel they’re stressed but can’t seem to stop being so busy?
Maya Fiennes: When I first started doing Kundalini Yoga, I also found it difficult to carve out ‘me’ time to practice my mantras, meditate and do the yoga.. I made the time. After a while, people around me respected this because they could see it brings me peace and happiness, making me more productive and loving.
What do you know about life that you wish everyone else did too?
Maya Fiennes: We rush from place to place, stressing out over every little detail when what we need is to allow ourselves time to meditate, breathe and create personal space to learn to appreciate and celebrate who we are. This realisation leads to true happiness.
What one thing can we all start doing today for a happier tomorrow?
Maya Fiennes: Meditate. Doing mantras can help not only erase everyday thoughts from your mind but stimulate the nervous system and help balance the hemispheres of the brain
Tell us a bit us about your diet
Maya Fiennes: I eat a wide variety of organic and colourful foods to celebrate nature and its nourishment of our bodies. Enjoy your food, but stay away from processed foods and those filled with chemicals and sugar. Read those labels!
What’s the best life advice you’ve been given?
Maya Fiennes: To watch my thoughts before reacting and not take things personally.
Macedonian born Maya Fiennes has combined her talents as a successful classical pianist and performer with her upbeat personality to create a unique style of yoga and meditation for modern living, based on the Kundalini Yoga of Yogi Bhajan. Maya’s philosophy of good health and living with inner peace and confidence, made her one of the most in-demand yoga instructors in London. Her classes are fun, uplifting and above all inspirational. Maya Fiennes now travels the world, teaching and recording from her new base in Santa Monica, California.