Benefits of Owning Texas Long Term Care Partnership Plan
In an effort to boost the awareness and willingness of the local residents of owning an LTC insurance, the Texas long term care partnership program was adapted by the local government. This scheme aims to help lessen the Medicaid expenditures that amount to almost billions of dollars every year, and that is just for the LTC expenses alone.
The Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 has ordered the states in the country to design and implement programs that will offer cheaper and more affordable LTC monthly premiums and other rates so that more residents, especially those who are average income earners, can qualify and avail such policies.
The partnership program is also made possible by the cooperation and support from the insurance companies that also sell private LTC insurance plans. They now sell and propose partnership policies to their customers.
For those of you are asking and curious about the differences between a private LTC plan and a partnership plan, I would say that there’s not much discrepancy between the two, and that the major change may just be on the rates and other prices that a partnership policy offers.
Partnership plans offer more affordable LTC insurance policies but they also provide almost the same services such that of what you can get from a private LTC insurance policy. If you think about it carefully, you could never go wrong with an LTC insurance partnership policy because you can avail the same LTC services and facilities of a private insurance plan without spending too much money and stressing your financial resources.
Just like any other LTC plan, the Texas long term care partnership policy also has certain levels of inflation protection, one of the mandatory LTC features that every LTC plans should have. The levels are based on the actual age of the insured person when he purchased his partnership policy. The younger he was when he bought it, the higher and better level of inflation protection he would possibly get.
For plans acquired at age 60 and below, a simple, compound, or an inflation protection based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) may be granted to the policy while any applicable level of inflation protection will be given for the policies that were purchased at age 61 to 75. No inflation protection is necessary if the plan was availed at age 76 or higher but the insurance provider may still offer it to the applicant and he will have to decide if he will purchase it or not.
A unique built-in feature, known as the Dollar-for-Dollar asset protection, may be availed if you buy a partnership plan. It allows the policy owner to keep a dollar of his assets for every dollar that his partnership policy pays out in benefits. This will give him more chances of qualifying and receiving Medicaid benefits should his policy expire and he still needs extended medical care and attention.
For the other information and details regarding the advantages and benefits of a Texas long term care partnership insurance policy, you may check out the websites of insurance companies that offer it or you may directly ask your chosen insurance company about it