What are the House Painting Colors for this summer?

Summer is the time for home renovation projects, when there are longer days and weather is cheerful. Painting is one of the home renovation projects that can change with every season, to give the homes a different look every season. Paint colors chosen for the interiors of the home have effects on the mood of the individual, so choosing the colors carefully is important. When painting the spaces indoors, achieving a perfect balance is necessary, because too much of any color will spoil the look of the house.

Summer colors

Summer season brings in a lot of playful energy into the house hold, so matching it with playful bright and cheery colors is a good idea. But using too much bright paint inside the rooms will cause the space to look closed, and does not reflect enough light. Summer means loads of light to the interiors, so colors that work well with light and make the spaces look bigger must be chosen. Neutrals and earthy tones add warmth and opens up the room, but the ceiling of the room must always be painted white to provide maximum brightness. One technique to make the room look colorful and interesting is to paint one side of the wall with dark shade of color and leaving the other three sides painted with light colors like cream, beige or even white. The dark colored wall must be facing the sun light during most part of the day. When sunlight falls on the darker side of the wall, the color painted is reflected along all the other three sides of the wall. The resulting look will be stunning, with a lighter shade of the darker color on all three walls.

Interspersing colors

A lot of experimental new ways of painting the interiors are in vogue today, and interspersing two or more colors is a stylish way to add detailing to boring walls. Various patterns using sponges, rollers, and rags can be achieved by mixing complimenting colors, and adding design element to the wall. It is also a good way to bring in darker shades of colors into the room without overwhelming effect. For example, painting the wall with a neutral color like beige and adding a detail with another dark color like red or green can add glamour to the wall without darkening the spaces. These projects are easy to do with painter’s tapes, different textured brushes and pattern making equipment. Painting the wall with different geometric patterns in mixed summer colors like oranges, yellows and greens is one idea that is an instant hit, in homes with children.

When it comes to buying paints for the homes, testing is very important to get the desired effect. Although shade cards are available and almost accurate, when the paint is applied several quotes over, a completely different shade may turn up. Buying a sampler and playing with it to test for the exact shade is a good idea before buying bigger cans of the shade. This becomes even more important when mixing two or more colors.

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