Effective traffic control equipment by street smart rental
Effective traffic control requires a complex system of traffic signs and signage equipment. In addition to traditional, fixed traffic signals and signage, the trend for adding technology-based equipment continues to grow. Management professionals are tasked with keeping up to speed withchanging equipment while staying cost competitive. Work zone safety depends on combining the unique assets of technological innovation with reliable manufacturing, and the experience to specify a site solution that works and provide the maximum level of safety to the public.
There are many different types of traffic signs available. While static signs are usually put up to indicate directions and fixed distances, there are various types of illuminated or electronic boards that allow variable messaging:
* Changeable message boards provide better visibility and work zone safety and allow multiple messages to be transmitted.
* LED Traffic signs provide a higher resolution for better visibility at greater distances, use less electricity and recently have been able to add color to the message displayed.
* Arrow boards provide directional instructions for lane closings and traffic shifts.
* Radar trailers monitor and display speeds for drivers and increase speed limit compliance by 30-60%
* Highway Advisory Radio systems are short-wave radios that provide up to date advisories and conditions to drivers. Many are solar-powered.
Truck Mounted Attenuators
Truck mounted attenuators are essential for the safety of a work crew. Attenuators along with safety vehicles are used to safeguard the workspace fromerrant vehicles. In some operations, these devices also serveas platforms for signs and other devices used to warn traffic ofupcoming conditions or inform them of needed actions. A truck-mounted attenuator and safety truck should provide sufficient warning toapproaching traffic and maximumprotection to workers and equipment.
Modern truck mounted attenuators are also designed for maximum re-usability. They have been designed so that the safe stop cartridges are lost and all other structural parts remain undamaged. Modern truck mounted attenuators are designed for anti-roll and for least impact on the drivability of the front vehicle. Assembly and attachment are simple and takes only a few minutes.
Re-usable signs
Renting or leasing traffic control equipment versusowning can save the costof repair and the unnecessary expense offinancing. Statistics show that if you’renot utilizing your equipment 75% of thetime, it’s more economical to rent.Usedand re-usable traffic signs can be rented or leased. Thisofferstraffic management professionals access to the latest technologies with a low investment cost and greater ROI for projects.
Street Smart Rental is committed to providing traffic control companies with the best equipment available at the nation’s lowest sub-rental rates. traffic sings and Led traffic signs safety equipment from Street Smart Rental. For more information visit here: www.streetsmartrental.com/