Best Way To Cure A Yeast Infection Without Going To A Doctor

If you have a yeast infection troubling you, then I would highly suggest you see a doctor if possible; especially if it is the first time you are getting the infection. But, if you can’t see a doctor, or you already had the infection before and know the symptoms, then the best way to cure a yeast infection is by using an anti-fungal medication such as Monistat. You can find this at any local drug store.

There are also natural remedies which some people say are the best way to get rid of this infection. Eating yogurt can sometimes help (I wouldn’t completely rely on this though). Yogurt contains live culture in it which helps balance the “good” bacteria and the “bad” bacteria in the vagina.

As already said, you can get stuff over the counter like Monistat or something like that. It’s kind of expensive around $15 but you just put this plastic thing in you and you shoot up the cream and it’s all gone. They have different ones you can buy (1 day, 3 day, and 7 day treatments) they say the 7 day ones work the best, but I’ve always used the 3 days and they work just fine.

I also use the drugstore version of Monistat 3. The active ingredient is miconazole. I prefer the pre-filled applicators to the suppositories because I have had the suppositories slip out before the coating dissolves. A word of advice in case you haven’t used this product before. Put a sanitary napkin on because the medicine will leak out a little. There are also a lot of homeopathic remedies, such as plain yogurt or garlic, but I have never tried those. Hope this helps and that you’re feeling relief soon.

I just want to make sure that I am giving you the best advice. Are you sure it’s a yeast infection? Some other problems, such as STDs, cause the same symptoms. Also, if you frequently have this problem, it may be a symptom of another illness, such as diabetes. Not to scare you, but, in good conscience, I had to add this in :) I know seeing a doctor can be expensive and/or awkward, but, unfortunately, sometimes they are the only ones who can help.

There are several products you can find at the drug store, such as Monistat (which I find to be the best way to cure a yeast infection without needing to go to the doctor). It also comes with a little tube you can put in your purse for the itching that goes along with it for day-time use. I personally don’t like the one-day treatment one, as I feel too much infection could still be lingering around.

All the above tips might work fine, but for effectively curing yeast infection, I would also recommend this very great yeast infection cure manual that has been helping thousands of people all around the world, teaching them the best and most effective natural ways to totally treat their infection and stop it from ever returning. This manual is called The Yeast Infection No More Program by Linda Allen.

I have recommended this guide to so many friends, family and loved ones who were fighting with recurrent yeast infection, and most of them ended up curing their infection just few days after using the recommendations in the program.

Click on this link ==> Yeast Infection No More Review Program, to read more about this book, and discover what other people have to say about it.

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