4 Ways To Treating A Yeast Infection Using Sugar Free Yogurt, Garlic And Tea TreeOil
Many women when they have an itchy virginal, they jump and start taking yeast infection treatments. But are you sure you have a yeast infection? Lots of different things can cause vaginal itching and discharge. If you have never had a yeast infection before, don’t self-diagnose. Go to a doctor and have them take a look at it.
If you’ve had a yeast infection before and you know that’s what it is, then over-the-counter yeast treatments, such as Monistat in the US, will work when taken as directed. Go for the longer treatments – the 7 day or 3 day ones. They are more likely to work, and they cause less irritation.
However, here are a few ways for you to do just that – Some 4 ways to treating a yeast infection using sugar free yogurt, garlic and tea tree oil:
1. Sugar Free Yogurt
One great natural yeast infection treatment is the use of sugar free yogurt. Yogurt is one of the most well-known solutions to this problem and for good reason, it works. The healthy bacterial cultures can kill off the candida yeast.
What you need to do to put this to work is apply some yogurt to the tip of a tampon and then insert that vaginally. After leaving that in for about 30 minutes, remove it, and repeat this process 2-3 times per day. This should yield results in about 1-2 weeks.
2. Garlic
Garlic is another great treatment that is easy to apply. The garlic works as an anti-fungal agent which kills off the out of control yeast.
If you want to try this method out, just cut out a slice from a clove of garlic and wrap that in some cheesecloth or gauze. Once you’ve got that, insert that vaginally. Leave that in overnight if you want to see the best results.
3. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is another great solution to try out. If you don’t know where to find it, check your local supplement store, it should have it.
4. If you really want to totally eliminate your yeast infection and stop it from ever returning, then I suggest that you get a copy of Lida Allen’s Yeast Infection No More Program and try out the recommendations in it.
The recommendations in this program is what helped me to finally treat my chronic and recurrent yeast infection. I had been suffering with it for so long, having multiple recurrences and nothing seemed to be working for me.
In the Yeast Infection No More Book, I discovered some things that I was doing, that were the cause of my yeast to keep recurring all these years! I have recommended this manual to so many people who like me, were fighting with recurrent, chronic yeast infection and they all treated their infection just by utilizing the recommendations in guide.
Click here: Yeast Infection No More Review, to read more about this book.