100% Accurate Display Screen OCR for Data Interchange
You will hardly ever hear the term OCR in the same breath with data interchange. The reason is quite simple; data interchange refers to the process by which computer programs automatically exchange data with each other. This process almost never involves any form of OCR, for conventional OCR is really never accurate enough to do this reliably. Why does the title of this piece then link OCR with data interchange? Quite simply, because there is a unique display screen OCR available that actually works for data interchange. Let’s have a quick overview of what display screen OCR is and what’s new in the field.
What is conventional OCR?
The term OCR refers to Optical Character Recognition; which means that character recognition software analysis and determines the characters written in an original document. This technology works on the scanned images of printed documents. While that sounds dandy enough at first reading, the catch is that conventional OCR uses a stochastic process to make its best estimate of the value of a character glyph…and its best estimate does not have to be error free. In fact, conventional OCR software requires human intervention to make it error free because its maximum accuracy is only about 98%…and that makes the choice of using conventional OCR for data interchange simply tardy.
So what’s new?
There is a, literally, unique software going around by the name of OCR4Screen which claims 100% accuracy in its determination of the value of each character glyph. While conventional OCR software will work on printed documents, this program works on character glyphs generated by computers alone. Why? Simply because it ‘reads’ the pixels, which are the same in each individual character glyph generated by a computer…therefore, even the slight imperfections of a printed document would have led the program into misreading the text. However, since the process of data interchange involves data transfer from one computer to another, OCR4Screen can give 100% display screen OCR results without hassle.
Reasons to Consider OCR for Data Interchange
In the past we’ve dismissed OCR for the process of data interchange on the basis of it being inaccurate. However, with 100% accurate display screen OCR, as described above, let’s take a look at the future of data interchange…
· Efficient Alternative to Data Entry:
One method of transferring data from one database to another is data entry; done manually by an individual or a team that enters data into the database being created or updated. With 100% accurate display screen OCR though, the process becomes one where the computer reads the data, determines the characters entered in the original database and reproduces them in the other location. This process turns out to be far more efficient than having a data entry team work on your forms mainly because it takes less time and human effort. This allows the automated transfer of data between legacy systems that have no alternative data interchange interface.
· OCR is a Relief from Man-Management Issues
A big advantage of using OCR is the relief you get from all the man-management issues that arise with data entry teams. While providing you 100% accurate display screen OCR for data interchange, the software is neither late to work, bad at time management, or irresponsible about making deadlines…
· Screen OCR Reduces the Chances of Omissions and Errors
The problem with human data entry workers is that they are, after all, only human…they tire, they have mood swings, they can be lazy, they can simply overlook an important piece of information and cost you big time. When using a 100% accurate display screen OCR though, the chances of omissions and errors due to human error are reduced to zero.
· OCR is Cost Effective
For those who have regular data interchange needs, data entry teams and manual data transfer is a constant drain on your human, as well as economic, resource. An accurate, and by accurate we refer to 100% error free display screen OCR, can be a one-time well spent investment; no data transfer payment checks every time you need your data transferred, no time delays and no drainage on other important resources.
Quite simply, the use of display screen OCR for data interchange actually marks a new era in data transfer. With 100% accurate software you can not only speed up your work, but also make it hassle free. The crux though, is in choosing the right software; the run of the mill OCR programs do not make the cut.
100% Accurate Display Screen OCR – No other technology in the world consistently achieves 100% accuracy recognizing characters from computer display screen pixels.