How Can I Get Rid Of A Yeast Infection On My Chest?
A dermatologist told me that some marks on my chest were a yeast infection. I went to see him about something else so he didn’t prescribe anything for that problem. Are there are natural remedies I can try? I mean – how can i get rid of a yeast infection on my chest?
This is a question that was asked and I will give answer to it in this short article, so read through. As you might already know, yeast infections are caused by the organism Candida albicans. It is present in everyone every day, since it helps our bodies function. When the opportunity presents itself, whether it is due to stress, a lowered immune system, or other infection, Candida can grow out of control, causing the infection.
Many people would prefer to skip a visit to the doctor for something as common. And trying to even get a doctor’s appointment may take a week or more. Most prescription and over the counter medications are great for clearing up the symptoms, but they don’t address the real issue. Using a home remedy can be more effective in clearing up the root cause of the infection.
There are several home remedies. They are easy to use and effective most of the time. One of the most popular and often reached for home remedies is plain yogurt. When shopping, look for plain yogurt that contains live culture Lactobacillus acidophilus.
This yogurt is applied directly to the infection. For a vaginal infection, the yogurt can be frozen in the shape of a tampon, and then inserted into the vagina for treatment. Alternatively, you can inject unfrozen yogurt into the vagina with a needle-less syringe, or you can dip a real tampon into the yogurt and insert it afterwards.
Garlic is another effective home remedy for yeast infection. Garlic has anti-fungal qualities that make it very useful. Simply make a tampon-like shape out of the garlic cloves. Maybe sew them together with strong thread. Attach a string securely for easy removal. Insert into the vagina for several hours before removing. If the string comes off, you can remove the garlic cloves by sitting over the toilet and using your vaginal muscles to push them out.
Another natural home remedy is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is from Australia, and contains many anti-fungal and anti-bacterial qualities. Mix a few drops of the oil (it is very potent) with a carrier oil like sweet almond oil or olive oil.
Apply the mixture directly to the affected area. Tea tree oil can clear up an infection pretty quickly. If you are pregnant or nursing, you may want to discuss this with your care provider first, as tea tree oil is very strong.
Good old soap and water. No I am not implying that you do not wash. But shower twice a day making really sure that you dry yourself thoroughly each time and put on a clean preferably cotton shirt. Must admit never seen a yeast infection on someone’s chest! Anyway good luck if this doesn’t help in a couple of days make another appointment to see your GP
If you actually want to totally do away with your yeast infection and stop it from ever coming back, then I suggest that you download a copy of Lida Allen’s Yeast Infection No More Guide and try out the recommendations in it.
The recommendations in this program is what helped me to finally get rid of my chronic and recurrent yeast infection. I had been suffering with it for so long, having multiple recurrences and nothing seemed to be working for me.
In the Yeast Infection No More Guide, I discovered some things that I was doing, that were the cause of my yeast to keep recurring all these years! I have recommended this program to so many people who like me, were fighting with recurrent, chronic yeast infection and they all cured their infection just by utilizing the recommendations in book.
Click on this link: Yeast Infection No More, to read more about this book.