Thyroid – Richard Lippman fatigue

In Sweden there is a growing problem among endocrinologists who have been petitioning to the Swedish FDA to end all advanced testing and treatment for fatigue and other thyroid related problems. Patients with severe problems are being given treatment, whilst other patients are sent home with a normal diagnosis, even though they have signs of hormone deficiency. It is believed these endocrinologists want the field solely to themselves and therefore are showing no concern for those who suffer.

Dr Richard Lippman renowned for his inventions that have saved the lives of millions has been working alongside Swedish physician Anna who was desperate for help to cure her diagnosed and untreated hypothyroidism. Anna’s fatigue had become so severe that she frequently remained in bed until late morning. She endured hair loss, puffy arms (edema) and sagging cheeks (myxedema) as a result of every day waste build up among skin cells that were not being cleared metabolically due to the deficiency of the thyroid hormone.

Anna had been given thyroid T4 by her doctor but it had become clear to Dr Lippman that as T4 only works for some, many patients like Anna are unable to convert T4 into T3. Thyroid T3 is an active hormone vital for normal metabolism and for the cleaning of waste. Dr Lippman suggested a natural thyroid supplement called Thyroid Armour, a desiccated thyroid that contains a blend of T4 and T3.

Thyroid Armour is a superb natural thyroid supplement extracted from pig thyroid glands that contains important ingredient thyroglobulin. Thyroglobulin is a form of Mother Nature’s T3 that allows a 24/7 stable supply of T3 throughout the body. This dessicated thyroid along with changes to the diet would improve Anna’s lethargy within around 4 months. Dr Richard Lippman has years of expertise that is still being used to verify this thought. It was recently discovered how considerable amount of patients neglect and pain more so in Sweden.

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