Finding a Soulmate: quest that makes life worth trying!

It is not an unusual event for us to meet someone on the road, who seems familiar… more familiar than most known faces. Relationships are not accidental; they all have a meaning, or purpose, or a reason. Most of the relationships we create for our present lives have soul mission carried from the past lives. That is the reason, they are connected to our souls and called soul mates; the intensity if emotions we feel for these people hints at the depth of our bonds or soul contracts with them. Finding Soulmates is easy: Soulmates are attracted in our current lives with a purposive lesson or aimed learning that tour soul had taken upon it to learn or discover. Soulmates could be our close friends, father, mother, and relatives, siblings etc. who with their encounter lead us towards our chosen destiny.

It is funny, when people tell me that they are waiting to find a soulmate. For everyone we encounter in our present life has some soul connection with us from the past life, thus everyone we meet has already been a mate for our soul in some lifetime since all the relationships hat either bruise us or soothe us are a result of some past life’s karma. The truth is that soul and karma are connected in present life relationships! Keeping it strictly spiritual, all the souls who are a part of the same soul group as us who have a contract with us, are our soulmates who have an association with us, that has to aid us grow. This phenomena is complex and incredible at the same time, else what could explain garnering support from the quarter where it is lease expected. This need not necessarily be romantic, only insightful in nature.

Rest assured that more the mayhem with someone new walking in our lives, the close soul shares the proximity and deeper is the learning to follow. For soulmates arrive to help us grow spiritually. They seek, challenge, question, transform and transmute all the preset emotions or belief systems within us, to create anew the meaning of acceptance, love, warmth, forgiveness and maturity. That explains the uncanny affinity one feels with one simple gaze! Most relate to a soulmate relationship as a romantic association: such clandestine romantic association we crave for is the twin-flame reunion. And a twin flame is your soul fragment. Another person who is part of your own soul, split at some point where the two decided to tread on their specific journey to undertake specific lessons and then unite with each other when the lessons are over and the soul is ready to experience the combined energies without the prior existing conflicts.

People who have experienced a twin reunion, though chances are really frugal since one in millions meet or unite with their twin flames in human form, will explain that the entire experience is step higher than pure blissful. It is complete, “time stops by” as they say! And that is how it has to be since, their opens one’s most strong and tangled chord. The live then concentres untangling this one chord, albeit full of tussle and struggle it be! Twin flame union is the most pious, and divine activity of the cosmos. It is just as meaningful, and purposeful. It helps soul grow like no other activity. That can well explain why most twin-flames are caught in different social cycles and are yet seeking! Chances are that one stumbles upon the other half when half live is gone by and both the people are married and deeply set in families with a separate set of responsibilities. The very act of owning upto the responsibility of the precious half of one’s soul becomes a social ordeal and includes all the lessons that a soul journey had embarked on.

Erick Watson is professional Content Writer having experience in writing meaningful articles in Finding Soulmate and share knowledge about Finding Soulmate .

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