Chinese Lanterns for a Special Birthday Celebration

Chinese lanterns are an increasingly popular decorative statement at celebrations and parties across the UK and the world. Chinese lanterns, also called sky lanterns, are lanterns made from paper stretched across a frame, inside of which is a fuel source. Chinese lanterns float into the sky when the fuel is lit and the hot air in the lantern causes it to rise, like a hot air balloon. The light from the burning fuel makes the thin paper glow, creating a bright coloured light in the sky. The lantern floats in the air, riding the air currents, until the fuel burns out and the lantern falls slowly to the ground. These lanterns were originally used by Asian cultures, first in wartime and then during public celebrations and holidays.

Chinese sky lanterns are not only decorative; they are also considered to bring good luck as you launch them into the air. Many Asian cultures consider the sky lanterns to signify trouble and worry soaring away into the atmosphere, and others send Chinese lanterns into the sky to ward off bad luck and to generate good luck for the future. Consequently, they are sent into the air to celebrate weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and other special events.

Birthdays are one event at which Chinese lanterns are especially popular, particularly for milestone birthdays, such as the 21st or 60th. A collection of coloured sky lanterns floating into the sky at the end of a party can be a magical sight. When you are preparing lanterns for a birthday celebration, you can write the birthday boy or girl’s name on the lantern with marker pen, or add a special message to be sent into the air.

Chinese lanterns are ideal for a birthday party that takes place outdoors, or in a marquee or tent. Guests can look up into the night sky and see the lanterns floating up into the air. Chinese lanterns are great if you are looking for something a little different, as they make a unique statement for a relatively small amount of money. The lanterns are cheaper, and quieter, than fireworks. When you want your party to be remembered for the right reason, paper lanterns can create a beautiful effect. Choose from lanterns in a variety of shapes and colours. You can set off hundreds of lanterns at once — or, for a more manageable effect, you can simply send one or two Chinese lanterns up into the sky.

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