Top of Foot Pain, Neglected Feet, and Footwear Choice
The feet may not get the press of say, the heart, for the constant work they have to do, but as with the internal organs, most people pretty much forget about them and leave them to their own devices. The feet may not be necessary to keep one alive, which is probably why they are so often neglected. It is only when things go wrong that the feet get the attention they deserve, albeit a little too late.
Hard skin, cracked heels and unsightly lumps are often noticed and forgotten about, however foot pain is something that cannot be ignored. It is only when there is pain with each step that you realize just how much work the feet have to do. Foot pain is not a rare complaint, and considering that the feet have to take the full weight of the body and get crammed into tight shoes it is perhaps no great surprise.
Heel pain may be one of the most common complaints, but it is also one of the best understood by people. However when it comes to top of foot pain, many people do not have the slighted clue as to what could be causing the pain. Top of foot pain can be caused by a number of complaints and conditions, however the root cause of the problem is often neglect, ill fitting footwear, and poor support for the foot arches.
When it comes to looking after the feet, the general rule of thumb is that it is better to choose comfort over fashion. Improper choice of footwear, quite simply, will not only cause a discomfort after a few hours, but could have longer term implications for the feet. Wearing the wrong shoes is probably the most common reason why top of foot pain strikes. Women tend to be more prone to experience foot pain due to wearing highly fashionable footwear such as high heels, and sandals with no arch support, with their feet having a pretty hard time of it.
A little care given to the feet goes a long way, especially for people with low or high arches. Whilst fashionable footwear is certainly a temptation, atypical feet can mean it’s not possible to get away with wearing normal shoes all the time, certainly without making some small changes for extra support. When the foot arches are low, they can collapse more easily, and they cannot deal with the shocks and stresses from everyday use or exercise. Similarly those with high arches also have trouble with cushioning, as high arches tend to mean there is a lack of flexibility in the feet. Whilst many people can lead a normal life with flat feet or high arches without any extra support, for some it can be a recipe for disaster.
Top of foot pain and indeed most foot pain can often be avoided by choosing the correct footwear, and giving the foot arches the support they need is vital for good foot health. Getting the feet checked out regularly by a podiatrist is a great way to help prevent top of foot pain from striking. A podiatrist will be able to check the arches, suggest whether you need extra support, and will be able to check the level of pronation, or how much the feet roll inwards. Since poor foot function is often to blame for top of foot pain, getting overpronation or underpronation assessed and corrected is a great step to take to ensure your feet remain pain free.