Java Developer Jobs – The Booming Job Sector
Before Java was invented, one of the key industry trends was to increase the productivity of both developers and end users. Java was designed in 1990 as an easier and more portable option than C++ to develop embedded systems. Java can be viewed as a technology, rather than as a program since it can be used in embedded systems. As a programming language, it is gaining more and more importance these days in the internet platform. And being a popular programming language, it is used in many computing platforms, from mobile phones to enterprise servers.
With most of the websites these days being based on Java and other Java tools, Java developer openings have been becoming exceedingly popular among developers for the past decade. The Internet and the World Wide Web have become a source of information and promotion for many businesses, and this has given rise to job opportunities for freelance Java Coders. There are many IT firms recruiting Java coders for development of new projects or for successfully carrying out the already existing projects. As the demand of Java developer jobs is continuing to exceed supply, many companies are finding new ways to meet their development needs by seeking new sources of developers and making those they have more efficient. It is believed that Java will stay in the market for several years to come as it is regarded as a step ahead of the other programming languages and therefore java professionals can expect a stable job prospects in the near future.
One of Java’s greatest strengths has been the number of young developers learn it as a first language. As Java becomes less and less of a client-side language, it is expected that that educational institutions switch to other languages for primary education, ones with stronger client-side representation such as JavaScript and HTML 5. “Java is still firmly planted in enterprise IT shops for custom-developed applications”, reveals Forrester data. Java is not going away for business applications, just as COBOL is not going away. It is still a remarkable choice for app dev teams that have developed the architecture and expertise to develop and maintain business applications. Java is also an excellent choice for software vendors to develop tools, utilities, and platforms such as BPM, CEP, IaaS, and ECP. Software such as operating systems, databases, and console games are still mostly developed in C++.
It is apparent on a relative basis that although Java has peaked it is still a dominant platform. And the data on current usage and employment indicates that this position is sustainable moving forward.