What is a TCXO Timing Component? Why is it Important in Electronics?

What is a TCXO Timing Component?

A TCXO is a Temperature Compensated Oscillator.

The frequency stability (variation of frequency) of quartz oscillators varies significantly with temperature changes. At the same time, however, electronics manufacturers need extremely stable clock devices with very low variation of frequency stability over temperature. A traditional crystal oscillator (XO) cannot meet these requirements, which is why TCXO devices were created. In a TCXO device, the oscillator and resonator devices are designed and manufactured to have excellent frequency stability, usually an order of magnitude better than crystal oscillators. For example, a TCXO will have stability from 0.5 to 5 PPM over the same industrial temperature range.

Many applications need such stringent stability requirements. For example, a base station needs transfer calls from a mobile cell phone. If the cell phone is not completely synchronized with the base station in time, then dropped calls will occur. Therefore, almost every cell phone has a TCXO on it – to ensure that it remains synchronized to a base station.

MEMS TCXOs Replace Quartz Crystal TCXOs

MEMS Oscillators (XO) also has frequency variation with changes in temperature. On a MEMS oscillator, the analog circuitry compensates for this variation. Recently, MEMS TCXOs have entered the market and offer a level of stability that was not previously seen. Again, the analog circuitry on the MEMS TCXO takes care of the compensation, enabling it to achieve 0.5 – 5 PPM stability over industrial temperature range. Plus, the MEMS TCXOs offer all the other benefits of MEMS devices and are 100% pin compatible with crystal oscillators.

Features and Benefits of MEMS TCXOs

* As good as 0.5 PPM stability over the industrial temperature range, rarely available from quartz crystal TCXOs.

* The ability to specify any frequency from 1 to 220 MHz, with 6 decimal places of accuracy, allowing the user to customize the device for their application and enhance system performance. Again, because of the stringent manufacturing requirements of quartz devices, such frequency customization capabilities are just not available in quartz crystal TCXOs.

* MEMS TCXOs offer a pull range (for fine-tuning in the system) which is 10 times better than quartz crystal TCXOs.

* MEMS TCXOs are 10 times more reliable than quartz TCXOs

* MEMS TCXOs are available with much shorter lead times than quartz TCXOs.

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