Flipflops Arent Always Easy On The Feet

Especially in the dog days of summer people everywhere seem to be tossing their closed-in shoes for cool,convenient pairs of flip-flops.But many foot doctors say that when it comes to healthy feet,the lightweight sandals can be a flop.
“If you wear them all the time ,they aren’t good for you” says Dr. Kathya Zinszer,associate professor of podiatric medicine and director of community outreach at Temple’s School of Podiatric Medicine.”They are terrrible for the arches.They give you no support and they don’t protect your feet”.

because they tended to grip the flip-flops with their toes.This repeated motion seemed to result in problems from the foot up unto the hips.

The American Pediatric Medical Association warns that because flip-flops have no backing they can catch unto things as they flip-flop.That may cause people to fall. So the association recommends that people not play sports in flip-flops or do any type of outdoor activities ,including cutting the grass when they wear their safety shoes.Its more dangerous than trying to do something bare footnotes zincked.

Doctors will say comfortable flip-flops can be worn occasionally,but how well the feet hold up in them varies.Although the pediatric medical association doesn’t discourage wearing them ,it still warns that people with circulation issues of diabetes ,who generally have poor feeling in their feet,should avoid flip-flops.Physicians say its too risky for getting injuries that could become infected.

They cause ankle sprains,because your feet slides in them warns Zinger, and that cause blisters and calluses that could fester.

But there are some positives to wearing them too.Many doors recommended flips to be worn in public showers,like those at the gyms,to avoid skin diseases.

And they can also help with arthritic joints .A recent study conducted at Rust University Medical Center in Chicago,Illinois found people who had arthritic knees had less stress on their joints wearing flip-flops than other types of shoes.And although the researches did not advocate wearing flip-flops all the time ,they did think the flatness and flexibility seemed to ease the stress on the joints.

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