What are some alternatives to expensive collagen injections?
Collagen is a very important and complex protein contained in the body. This protein is responsible for keeping our skin firm and smooth. As we age the collagen in our body decreases as a result of our skin loses its original smoothness and elasticity. This also leads to wrinkles and fine lines on the skin.
The quickest way to restore the collagen in our body is through the use of injections. Collagen injections are usually aimed directly at the area that needs improvement and helps to restore volume to the injection site. The results of these injections can last for months. The disadvantage of collagen injections, plus the pain of needles, the treatment is very expensive. Collagen injections in the price range, but require multiple injections can cost as much as $ 1. 000 per treatment.
For most people the cost of collagen injections and other treatment is too expensive and out of their budgets. Fortunately for them there are alternative products on the market that are far less painful and a much lower cost. The best anti-aging are able to provide users with great results, while costing far less. The most advanced anti-aging creams really take advantage may begin to show results in seconds, while others have several applications before you start to see great results.
Most of these products are formulated with powerful ingredients that are designed to address all issues related to loss of collagen in our body. They are effective in stimulating the body’s ability to reproduce collagen while also stimulating blood flow to the affected areas, which both help to increase the fullness in areas where applied. This is one of the methods used by the lip Plumpers better for the lips look fuller.
One of the best this year, anti-aging creams is Kollage Intensive. The main active ingredient of this cream is SYN-COLL has been clinically proven to increase natural production of skin collagen. In a clinical trial, which was able to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by up to 354%.
As mentioned above, diminished levels of collagen can lead to a reduction in the firmness of the skin and the formation of wrinkles and lines on the skin. Intensive Kollage also been shown effective in helping to restore firmness and texture of our skin. It also reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and other conditions as the repair of age spots.
Lisa Beverley writes highly informative and researched articles for end consumers about a variety of health care topics including remedies, Health and Fitness, Nutrition, Slimming, weight loss products, bodybuilding supplements and diet tips.