Machinery and electronic products, or raise export tax rebate rate of 2% to 4% –

Effect from December 1, further improve the part of the labor-intensive products, mechanical and electrical products and other affected large export tax rebate rate. The adjustment of products involving a total of 3770, accounting for 27.9% of total exports. This is from the November 12 State Council executive meeting came the good information.

In addition, the meeting also decided to remove some steel products, chemicals and food export tariffs, lower part of the fertilizer export duties and taxes adjustment mode, the introduction of individual products or raise export tariffs.

"Mechanical and electrical industry now has a code less than the export tax rebate 3000, as many as 3770 products export tax rebate rate for machinery and electronic products will be a very extensive." China Machinery and Electronic Products Import and Export Chamber of Commerce, said yesterday the responsible person : "but what the product code can get up the export tax rebate rate, up ratio of the number, did not get a clear answer from the Ministry of Commerce."

Although the tax rebate adjustment program has not yet officially introduced, but there are close to the decision-making level sources: "The overall mechanical and electrical rate increases may be 2% to 4%." Liu, vice president of the Electrical and Mechanical Chamber of Commerce, 9 so that the U.S..

Washing machine
Air conditioning
Machine products, including electrical machinery and electronic products industry accounting for the more than 5 percent, the current type of electrical products export rebate rate is 13% more. Meanwhile, imports of parts and components of such products VAT rate is 17% finished products for export tax rebate rate of only 13% in the middle there is difference of 4%. "Haier Group's overseas sea product manager, Han said:" The profit margins of electrical products only 4% to 5%, export is no doubt money can be earned. "

"Three times in six months in China to adjust export tax rebate rate of interest is clear, is to promote exports, especially Helping SMEs through the global economic recession. But I do not entirely agree with this approach." A domestic growth mechanical and electrical products manufacturing business owner, said: "just to live by the national tax rebate to support the survival of enterprises in place the necessary? Chinese companies should export their own goods, rather than sell someone else's cheap labor, OEM."

"High-tech enterprises will be the first to benefit from value-added tax next year, more high tech and high added value companies, the investment in fixed assets higher deductible and therefore the greater. High value-added and high-tech The export tax rebate rate may also increase the future. " China Tax Society, Tax and Financial Research Center Sun Yat-sen, director Yang Weihua, higher value-added and high-tech products export tax rebate rate may increase.

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