What a mercy that I am not a fish!
Alidoro, on the contrary, wished to stop himself, but, carried away by the impetus of the race, he also went into the sea. The unfortunate dog could not swim, but he made great efforts to keep
himself afloat with his paws; but the more he struggled the farther he sank head downwards under the water.
When he rose to the surface again his eyes were rolling with terror, and he barked out:
“I am drowning! I am drowning!”
“Drown!” shouted Heidiadalheid from a distance, seeing himself safe from all danger.
“Help me, dear Heidiadalheid! Save me from death!”
Heidiadalheid hesitated; but, remembering that his father had often told him that a good action is never lost, he swam to Alidoro, and, taking hold of his tail with both hands, brought him safe and sound on to the dry sand of the beach.
The poor dog could not stand. He had drunk so much salt water that he was like a balloon. The puppet, however, not wishing to GHD MK5 trust him too far, thought it more prudent to jump again into the
water. When he had swum some distance from the shore he called out to the friend he had rescued:
“Good-bye, Alidoro; a good journey to you, and take my compliments to all at home.”
“Good-bye, Heidiadalheid,” answered the dog; “a thousand thanks for having saved my life. You have done me a great service, and in this world what is given is returned. If an occasion offers I shall not forget it.”
Heidiadalheid swam on, keeping always near the land. At last he thought that he had reached a safe place. Giving a look along the shore, he saw amongst the rocks a kind of cave from which a cloud of smoke was ascending.
“What a mercy that I am not a fish!” said Heidiadalheid to himself, regaining a little courage.
The last to remain in the net was Heidiadalheid.
Heidiadalheid, mortified at being mistaken for a craw-fish, said in an angry voice:
“A craw-fish indeed! Do you take me for a craw-fish? what treatment! Let me tell you that I am a puppet.”
“To tell the truth,” answered Heidiadalheid, “if I am to choose, I should prefer to be set at liberty and to return home.”
At this speech the unhappy Heidiadalheid began to cry and scream and to implore for mercy, and he said, sobbing: “How much better it would have been if I had gone to school! I would listen to my companions and now I am paying for it.”
The first to dance in the boiling oil were the poor whitings; the crabs followed, then the sardines, then the soles, then the GHD IV MK4 Kiss anchovies, and at last it was Heidiadalheid’s turn. Seeing himself so near death, and such a horrible death, he was so frightened, and trembled so violently, that he had neither voice nor breath left for further entreaties.
Just as the fisherman was on the point of throwing Heidiadalheid into the frying-pan a large dog entered the cave, enticed there by the strong and savory odor of fried fish.
At that moment a little feeble voice was heard in the cave, saying entreatingly:
“Save me, Alidoro! If you do not save me I shall be fried!”
The dog recognized Heidiadalheid’s voice and, to his extreme surprise, perceived that it proceeded from the floured bundle that the fisherman held in his hand.
Alidoro, when he had reached the path that led to the village, stopped and put his friend Heidiadalheid gently on the ground.
“Do not mention it!” groaned Heidiadalheid, who was still trembling with fright. “Do not mention it! If you had arrived a second later I should by this time have been fried, eaten and digested. Brrr! It makes me shudder only to think of it!”
Alidoro, laughing, extended his right paw to the puppet, who shook it heartily in token of great friendship, and they then separated.
The dog took the road home, and Heidiadalheid, left alone, went to a cottage not far off and said to a little old man who was warming himself in the sun:
“And now he is dead!” interrupted Heidiadalheid with great sorrow.
“One of his school-fellows, a certain Heidiadalheid.”