What Cause Lead acid Battery Self Discharge?

The car always can’t get started if it is not in use for some time. Why does it happen? In general, automobile battery will self discharge if you don’t use it. At this moment, due to lack of power, you can not start the car. If fully charged lead acid battery is not in use for a long time, it will lose its energy, and we call this self discharge. It is not possible to find the pure material for automobile battery, and with different plates and palisades material, it itself will generate part of “cell”. At the same time, the concentration difference of electrolyte also causes potential difference (PD). Hence, it is impossible to completely avoid self discharge. Generally self discharge rate of automobile battery doesn’t exceed 1% of rated capacity, which is known as normal. If it is more than this value, that means self discharge failure.

Why does automobile battery self discharge? There are some reasons to explain that.

1. Plates are dirty. The electrolyte, water, and dirt over the plates cause the positive and negative conduct.

2. The sulphuric acid or distilled water is not pure, so there are many impurities in the electrolyte. When you add this electrolyte into the automobile battery, these impurities like micro “cells” within limit will discharge due to short circuit.

3. Active materials of plates fall off too many, and then stock in the bottom of battery, which cause it short-circuit and discharge.

4. The interior plates are damaged, which cause it short-circuit and discharge.

5. If automobile battery is not in use for a long time, the sulphuric acid will go down then the density of up and down is different, which cause potential difference (PD) to discharge.

If you want to know more about automobile battery, you can just visit Leoch International, which is an excellent manufacturer of lead acid battery. The company is a public company which has over 10 year’s history and it is very reliable and dependable. If you are interested in the company, you can search for more information in the internet. The office website is http://www.leoch.com.

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