Increase the Traffic to Your Website for Free
Promoting your business’ web-site is not that difficult. Increasing the traffic to it is achievable and pretty beneficial for those who are willing to take the time.
The best way to add link leading to your site is to add articles to various article directories. Find them by typing in google “submit an article”. Submit interesting content that is related to your website in some way. Try to attract readers to your post, in which you have added a link, in order to increase your search engines’ ranking. This could be especially beneficial for small businesses providing services, such as a cleaning company.
Next, you could submit videos to the various video sharing sited. For example, use Youtube. Every submitted video should be accompanied by a link to your site below. Make sure that the subject of the video is related to your business. For instance, cleaning companies submit video of cleaning crews in action. This aims to show their working methods.
Getting backlinks sound easy but getting the right ones is not that simple. However, by learning which links are good for your site you are doing half of the job. A good link is called “ do follow”. This means that once your link is on another site it get a small part of its rank and popularity. This way yours increase and you are scoring higher in the search engines. It is common people wasting time optimizing their site with wrong backlinks. This is a pure waste of time and efforts.
In order to find if the site you are submitting links to open its html source code by simple right-clicking on the page and selecting “view page source” and find if there is “rel=nofollow” in there. The easier way to do that is to download a “nodofollow” tool that will do this process instead of you.