How can you file Topamax lawsuits?
Based from data released by FDA, there are over 32 million Topamax prescriptions filed since 2007. Unluckily, there were also millions of women who have taken Topamax during pregnancy, eventually leading to more chances of giving birth to babies with Topamax birth defects. In connection to this data, there have been thousands of Topamax Lawsuits filed for claims in the recent years.
This year, Topamax has been re-categorized by FDA as a Category D drug, meaning the drug is unsafe for pregnant women’s use. Topamax has shown a possible danger to a fetus exposed to the drug while in the mother’s womb. According to experts, the drug must be used with extreme caution during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Before even being categorized as Category D, it is more likely that women of childbearing age have the potential of giving birth to babies with Topamax birth defects. It is also possible that women have used the drug right even before knowing they were pregnant and have taken the medicine for their epilepsy.
The specific side effects of the drug causing birth defects to fetus such as cleft palate or cleft lip are related to the intake of the drug during pregnancy. Mothers may have been unaware that they were pregnant because many of these pregnancies were unplanned.
Modification in the FDA warning alerted doctors and other medical practitioners and are now advised to prescribe an alternative drug to treat their patients with epilepsy. The warning also advised legal professionals and families affected to file Topamax Lawsuits against Johnson and Johnson, one of the world’s leading drug manufacturer.
Prior to reclassifying the drug to Category D, Topamax has been prescribed to cure tonic-clonic seizures suffered by epileptic patients and is also used for off label purposes such as alcohol abuse, depression, psychiatric or psychological disorders. These off label uses are yet to be approved, thus, the drug is used illegally.
Whistleblowers of Topamax Lawsuits originally filed cases against the pharmaceutical company for illegally marketing the drug for off label uses, but because of the latest development regarding birth defects, a lot of families were filing claims for Topamax birth defects.
These days, there are Topamax Lawsuit lawyers dealing with cases related to birth defects associated with the drug’s use by women in their first trimester of pregnancy right even before knowing they were pregnant.
If you happen to be one of the affected families of birth defects related to Topamax use, you can file Topamax Lawsuits with the help of an attorney experienced in the drug and medical litigation field. Your lawyer will prosecute Johnson and Johnson for your claim regards the effects of Topamax birth defects on your baby.
With the help of an experienced lawyer, you can file a claim against a big company that employs high-caliber attorneys or law firms to defend them against said claims. If you belong to an average family and you want to win in your Topamax birth defects claim, you need the best Topamax Lawsuits lawyer to assist you.
If you want to get in touch with a Topamax lawyer today to file Topamax lawsuits, you can check out our website to help you address your needs and file claims for Topamax birth defects.