How to Conceive a Boy

There are many reasons why people would be wondering how to conceive a boy.  Maybe they already have a daughter (or a few) and want a son to complete their family.  Maybe they can only afford to have one child, and they want a son to carry on their family name.  Whatever the reason, if you are wondering how to conceive a boy, then read on.  In this article, we look at the Shettles method, which is a natural method of gender selection that is relatively reliable.

Know Your Cycle

According to the Shettle’s method, which is based on the fact that ‘male’ sperm swim faster but live shorter than ‘female’ sperm, you need to have sex between 24 and 12 hours before you ovulate in order to increase your chances of conceiving a boy.

There are several ways to determine exactly where in your cycle you are. You could use your BBT (Basal Body Temperature) or you could chart your cervical mucus. There is even ovulation predicting kits on the market. Finding a method that works is, however, the first stage in figuring out how to conceive a boy.

Have Sex at the Right Time

Now that you know when you are ovulating, the next step is to make sure that you have sex no earlier than 24 hours, and no later than 12 hours, before you are due to ovulate. That ensures that the sperm will reach the egg in time, but that the faster swimming ‘male’ sperm will make it first, and that they will survive long enough.

Sexual Position

When wondering how to conceive a boy, and when it comes to sexual position choice, the Shettle’s method advocates positions with deeper penetration – that’s because when it comes to conceiving a boy, it’s pretty much a race, and the closer the shorter lived male sperm are to your egg, the better their chances.


The good news is that when you are trying to figure out how to conceive a boy, having orgasms are a good thing – unlike when you are trying for a girl! That is because orgasms create an alkaline environment in the vagina, and create contractions, which help to move sperm along faster – both good for ‘boy’ sperm.

Not an Exact Science

I hope that these tips to help you to figure out how to conceive a boy have helped, but remember that this is not an exact science, and even if you follow all these tips, you will still only be increasing your chances – not guaranteeing that you will have a boy.

If you want to be absolutely sure that you will have a boy, the only way to do that is to have a medical doctor who specializes in fertility perform a gender selection procedure. There are several types of gender selection procedures you can choose from, and some have a 100% success rate, so it is a sure fire way to have the gender baby you want. Read on how to conceive  a boy review for more information.

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