Los Angeles’ successful survival from “Carmageddon”
For several weeks, in Los Angeles officials have warned drivers about a traffic nightmare of last weekend, when the a busy highway was going to be closed for construction. But the city managed to get a survival from the serious prediction of the paralyzed traffic because of well-organized public services as well as panic among the public. The 16 km section of Highway 405 was closed on July 15, allowing the destruction of the crew dismantled part of the bridge. Ripple effects were expected on other major highways. Commentators forecasted a traffic disaster. Los Angeles resident called epic traffic disorder “Carmageddon” , a violent racing game title. Newspapers and TV networks spent a few weeks discussing the topic. Public bodies cooperated efficiently to avoid traffic crashes. The local medical center allocated hundreds of houses and apartments for the temporary quarters for hospital staff. This serves as an efficient measure to prevent traffic jam from trapping part of doctors and nurses. Pop art museums near the highway was out of service for the construction of the project. Celebrities were also recruited by the officials to warn the driver of the possibly paralyzed traffic. The main message conveyed was to stay away from the terrible traffic. The news inspired leisure destinations outside of Los Angeles to offer special “escaping Carmageddon” discount. But most people living and working hunker in the surrounding area had no choice but to weekend. The number of cars on the road in Los Angeles dropped a dramatic two-thirds.
People could not drive their cars so that they went to nearby restaurants, into the coffee shop, talking with neighbors, having family dinner and barbecue, or they may not have otherwise. Although the fear of paralysis promoted the change of habits, this time, some suggested that car obsessed residents learn from an unexpected lesson. “I propose that we should have an annual Carmageddon holiday”, said resident Novena Carmel in a Tweet.
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