Land Department: the amount of iron ore resources, or over 200 billion tons
Geological Survey's National Land and Natural Resources today released "2009 Survey of mineral resources evaluation of important results." The report showed China's iron ore prospect area has been delineated 112, prediction of potential iron ore resource for more than 200 billion tons.
Which determine the amount of predicted resources of 100 million tons and the prospective areas two 50-30 to 10 billion tons of 2-50 million tons of 2, 10-30 million tons of 16. Mainly distributed in Liaoning saddle this, Jidong, Sichuan Panzhihua, Luxi, southwestern Fujian, Henan Wuyang – New Cai, Anhui Luzong, Xinjiang Tianshan areas.
Among them, the Liaoning region saddle proved reserves of 14.6 billion tons of iron, this prediction and optimization of a total of 44 forecasts delineated area, predicted a potential resource capacity of 514 tons. Predict large potential iron resources of main channel for Taiwan, Qidashan Dagushan, Zhang table, Nanfen, Changling, etc..
Hebei Jidong area has proven reserves of 6.2 billion tons of iron, this forecast predicted iron circle the 229 area, forecast the potential volume of 20.2 billion tons of resources.
Panxi: the proved reserves of 10.1 billion tons of iron, circle the area of 19 forecasts predict additional amount of 19.4 billion tons of resources. The main potential areas for the Panzhihua, Baima and Taihe. Evaluation of the potential target areas delineated on the basis of prediction, selection of the best orchid in the Panzhihua area home construction drilling verification volcanic prediction, see Heavy magnetite body, ground was 168 million tons of iron ore.
Anhui Luzong region: the proven reserves of 822 million tons of iron resources, predict the potential volume of 2.2 billion tons of resources. The survey of land and resources Nihe iron, the large enterprises through the introduction of the new mechanism, the formation of a large investment in just two years on the proven iron ore reserves of 200 million tons of large-scale iron ore.
Saddle of the Liaoning, Hebei, eastern Hebei, Sichuan Panzhihua such great potential prospect area has been incorporated into the project fully equipped to protect geology and mineral resources exploration program.
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