All printing OLED display technology budding – all printed, OLED-screen special

Full color display in the field of organic, domestic and foreign R & D and production company with vacuum evaporation and the basic preparation of screen printing technology, which is the development of the international mainstream technology. Vacuum deposition of small molecules relatively mature technology, now in its industrialization, and a small batch size of full-color display launched applications in MP3, MP4, mobile phones and small size of TV sets and other electronic devices. However, the technology and equipment investment and high maintenance costs, material waste, it is difficult to achieve large area and high cost, to face the harsh market environment, is difficult to create competitive advantage.

Solve the cost problem OLED Printed OLED technology is considered as the high cost and effective way to achieve large area and has a bright future, this technology can be combined with liquid functional materials and advanced printing equipment to produce OLED displays can enhance the material utilization and production efficiency, reduce manufacturing costs, increase productivity. The most common printing technology with ink-jet printing (inkjetprinting) and screen printing (screenprinting) two. The typical ink-jet printing equipment has several print heads, were used for printing different colors of polymer light-emitting materials, each with a number of micro-nozzles, the red, green and blue light emitting material solution were accurately deposited ITO glass substrate isolation column slot Solvent Evaporation to form nano-thin layer (thickness of about 100 nm), constitutes a light-emitting pixels. Nozzle is made of piezoelectric ceramics, the ceramics can be added by controlling the size and duration of voltage to precisely control droplet size, which control the thickness of emitting layer, since this is a fully digital technology, it does not require any processing.

Inkjet printing has many advantages, such as very high resolution, flexibility, lower cost and with almost compatible with all types of substrates. Another common printing technologies, silk screening and preparation process in the OLED display, screen printing is mainly used for processing cathode strip displays (traditional process generally formed by vacuum evaporation deposition strip of metal cathode), cathode printable cathode material slurry used, such as silver conductive plastic, gold plastic. Usually fine woven mesh fabric or porous metal plate rack in the extended form of metal mesh. Mesh top with a template to seal the cathode slurry should not pass through the mesh area. Screen placed in the top substrate, precise screen alignment after fixation, and then use the cathode slurry, using a rubber blade in the transparent areas mesh screen scraping cathode slurry, and then hanging from the wire to form a strip cathode, screen printing can be used in conjunction with a variety of substrates, which can be a single thick film deposition.

International R & D investment to increase
Printing technology is conducive to large OLED display, reduce production cost, so many famous international companies invested heavily in research and development of the technology, the United Kingdom PlasticLogic company invested 100 million U.S. dollars of Dresden in Germany to build the world's first production As with printed organic transistor display panel. Tokyo, Japan, information and communication of large companies, "Toppan Printing Co., Ltd." (ToppanPrinting) announced a plan, it intends to build a 1 billion yen worth of pilot production lines, including the drum printing technology to study the printing process, including, for production to Cambridge Display Technology (CDT) polymer light-emitting diode (PLED) technology-based display. California Add-Vision technology invented screen printing method can achieve the hole transport layer, emitting layer and electron transport layer processing. DuPont Display Company (DuPont Displays) president WilliamF.Feehery in SID2007 reported a new technique, using small molecule OLED display solution preparation process technology, the technology to solve the traditional vacuum evaporation process of small molecules to bring the cost issue, while addressing the compliance of polymer materials, the shortcomings of life has not attracted widespread attention in the industry. At present the major international printing work and results focus in the printing light-emitting layer material and function, yet the printed cathode preparation of organic / polymer OLED display related technologies, it also can not be called full printing OLED technology.

A breakthrough proprietary technology in China
South China University of Technology Institute of Polymer Optoelectronic Materials and Devices high-performance polymer materials in the study, based on completion of the 1.5-inch full-color polymer OLED prototype preparation, grasped the core technology related. In particular, South China University of optoelectronic devices where the OLED cathode interface, the pioneering work of key materials, development of the class of polyelectrolyte electron injection material, the emitting layer and electron injection layers, electron injection layer and the interface between the electrode characteristics, and obtained High work function metal as cathode material of aluminum and efficient red, green, blue emission, as the display electrodes are vulnerable to water erosion problem of oxygen to provide a solution. Independently developed for the production of organic light-emitting diode cathode conductive silver glue, using printing technology to replace the vacuum evaporation process, with the evaporation process can be achieved comparable efficiency red, green, blue, white light emission, from the principle of achieving a full printing device, completely broke all printed polymer OLED displays of key technologies. The principle of technology has been applied for international patent (United States), to ensure their own intellectual property.

With full-color printing process developed is a new display technology, it is a world-class technical problems, currently world no one unit can be achieved. This technology completely eliminates this part vacuum deposition in favor of using screen printing method to fabricate the cathode, simple technology and equipment investment more than 60% savings, material savings of 90%. Therefore, if the technology can become a reality, the whole field of organic light-emitting will play a great role, it is a revolution in flat panel display technology. As the process is simple, low-cost implementation of the technology, will completely break the crystal pattern of world domination.

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