The lakers’ new handsome is king or a puppet

ESPN, Yahoo Sports and a number of authoritative media confirmed mentor Mike James – Brown became the Lakers coach the history of the first 22! This message is indeed a lot of fans are surprised, because in the “Zen Master” Phil Jackson – Official After leaving office, who is a Zen master on the speculation that his successor is not uncommon, most people are filled with candidates for the successor Master the expectations.

From assistant coach Brian – Shaw, to the previous Adelman coaching the Rockets, Soccer Jerseys Wholesale the Lakers quickly Xuanshuai threshold seems that a very high position. When Brown became the new coach the Lakers after the news came out, and soon the industry will have issued a challenge: “Brown, when they are unable to manage in Cleveland, James, Bryant to the Lakers that he can control it?” This is undoubtedly the biggest problems now facing Mr Brown, as including Horry, Fox and other veterans after the Lakers have been clearly stated, the Lakers coach the most important thing is to be fixed up Kobe, and Kobe as long as he can maintain a good relationship Bryant convinced him, all the rest is not a problem, can Brown can do this?

From the biographical point of view, Brown is not without merit, he has followed for many years Popovich and the Spurs won in 2003 following a championship ring, but also had a great championship experience, coaching. Men in Popovich, Brown learned the defensive system of the essence. But it is worth noting that, in the period as the Cavaliers coach, his coaching ability has not been recognized by the outside world. In Cleveland, La Liga Soccer Jersey Brown is the most commonly used screens offensive tactics, the Cavaliers on the offensive end of the high pick and rolls, mostly decision jumper by James to break through, or distributed to the follow-up teammates. Knights most of the game is to rely on James to decide the game. Even in the critical moment a lot of games, often to see James took tactical tactical version to layout, and Brown has the unconditional support the little emperor’s decision.

This is because James has extraordinary personal skills, but also because the lack of command of Brown spot resilience.  Although Brown did this so that he and James established a good relationship, but the prestige of his team has been plagued by doubts. Must be recognized that, in the coach’s authority and temperament, and Phil Brown obviously can not – Jackson par. Jackson coached Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant so big that he was very clear how a superstar and a team to get along, though, like Kobe Bryant has a powerful personal capacity, but he never had a Zen master’s words and deeds are not respected, which is Philip Seoul – Jackson’s personal charm and gas field.

Of course, Brown led the Cavaliers did get some results. 08-09 season, Brown led the Cavaliers won the first throne of the regular season and won the best coach of the season award. 09-10 season and their first regular season reelection. Brown also led the Cavaliers to three consecutive season, reached the Eastern Conference finals. These results may be, people have been grouped into credit LeBron – James’s body, Brown has always been considered a puppet of the name wore the role of coach.

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