Transformers Animated toy line
Legends Class
Legends Class figures are Micro-sized versions of the animated series’ characters. Two versions of each character are available; one of which is marketed under the Transformers Universe toy line, while the other is bundled in special store-exclusive multi-packs.
Bumblebee (Autobot; Sports Hatchback)
Optimus Prime (Autobot; Semi-trailer Truck)
Prowl (Autobot; Police Motorcycle)
Starscream (Decepticon; Fighter Jet)
Activators are Scout Class-sized figures with quick transformation at the push of a button. Some Activators figures are bundled with larger-sized figures.
Bulkhead (Autobot; Armored Vehicle)
Bumblebee (Autobot; Sports Hatchback)
Battlefield Bumblebee (Autobot; Sports Hatchback; Unreleased) – Yellow/silver repaint
Patrol Bumblebee (Autobot; Sports Hatchback) – White/yellow repaint
Cliffjumper (Autobot; Sports Hatchback) – Red repaint of Bumblebee
Dirge (Decepticon; Fighter Jet) – Gold/blue repaint of Starscream
Grimlock (Dinobot; Robotic Tyrannosaurus Rex)
Fireblast Grimlock (Dinobot; Robotic Tyrannosaurus Rex) – Red repaint
Lockdown (Decepticon; Futuristic Muscle Car)
Bandit Lockdown (Decepticon; Futuristic Muscle Car) – Blue repaint
Megatron (Decepticon; Futuristic Gunship)
Optimus Prime (Autobot; Semi-trailer Truck)
Armor Up Optimus Prime (Autobot; Semi-trailer Truck; Unreleased) – Redeco with a silver head and a paint scheme made to resemble Star Convoy.
Autobot Ratchet (Autobot; Ambulance)
Soundwave (Decepticon; Scion xB)
Starscream (Decepticon; Fighter Jet)
Thundercracker (Decepticon; Fighter Jet) – Blue repaint of Starscream
Bumper Battlers
Bumper Battlers are toy cars designed for younger children. They emit sound effects at the push of a button and when they hit an object, the top portion of their bodies pop up to reveal their robot forms.
Workzone Bulkhead – Neon yellow redeco (Cancelled; saw limited release in Australia)
Sting Racer Bumblebee – Neon yellow redeco
Autobot Jazz
Stealth Ninja Jazz – Gray redeco (Cancelled; saw limited release in Australia)
Optimus Prime
Nightwatch Optimus Prime – Purple repaint
Autobot Ratchet
Power Bots
Power Bots are large, non-transforming figures for younger children, featuring electronic lights and sound effects.
Cyber Speed Bumblebee
Street Patrol Bumblebee – Neon yellow redeco
Optimus Prime
Deluxe Class
Deluxe Autobot Jazz in robot mode in a kicking pose.
Deluxe Class figures comprise the bulk of the series’ toy line.. Some of these figures were re-packaged in plastic “canister” containers.
In addition, Bumblebee was also packaged in the Walmart exclusive “The Legacy of Bumblebee” gift set (which includes the Universe Classics and the movie Premium versions).
Arcee (Autobot; Cybertronian Car; Unreleased)
Blackarachnia (Decepticon; Giant Spider)
Blurr (Autobot; Futuristic Race Car)
Vortex Blurr (Autobot; Futuristic Race Car; Unreleased)
Bumblebee (Autobot; Sports Hatchback)
Elite Guard Bumblebee (Autobot; Sports Hatchback) – Black/gold repaint
Ironhide (Autobot; Cybertronian Minibus; Unreleased) – Orange redeco of Cybertron Mode Ratchet.
Autobot Jazz (Autobot; Futuristic Sports Car)
Freeway Jazz (Autobot; Futuristic Sports Car; Unreleased) – Gray repaint
Jetfire (Autobot; Futuristic Fighter Jet) – Combines with Jetstorm to become Safeguard
Jetstorm (Autobot; Futuristic Fighter Jet) – Combines with Jetfire to become Safeguard
Lockdown (Decepticon; Futuristic Muscle Car)
Blazing Lockdown (Decepticon; Futuristic Muscle Car) – Slight repaint with new chainsaw weapon instead of hook
Stealth Lockdown (Decepticon; Futuristic Muscle Car) – Transparent remold; bundled with Legends Class Optimus Prime and Bumblebee
Megatron (Decepticon; Cybertronian Jet) – Bundled with Deluxe Optimus Prime in “The Battle Begins” gift pack
Oil Slick (Decepticon; Futuristic Chopper)
Toxic Oil Slick (Decepticon; Futuristic Chopper; Unreleased) – Metallic repaint
Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime (Autobot; Cybertronian Semi-trailer Truck)
Optimus Prime with Battle Damage (Autobot; Semi-trailer Truck) – Bundled with Deluxe Megatron in “The Battle Begins” gift pack
Prowl (Autobot; Police Motorcycle)
Samurai Prowl (Autobot; Police Motorcycle with Sidecar) – Remold with sidecar that transforms into Samurai armor
Autobot Ratchet (Autobot; Ambulance)
Rescue Ratchet (Autobot; Ambulance) – Yellow repaint; bundled with Legends Class Prowl and Starscream
Cybertron Mode Ratchet (Autobot; Cybertronian Ambulance; Unreleased)
Rodimus Minor (Autobot; Futuristic Muscle Car; Unreleased)
Sentinel Prime (Autobot; Snowplow Truck)
Snarl (Dinobot; Robotic Triceratops)
Soundwave (Decepticon; Scion xB) – Bundled with Laserbeak, which transforms from electric guitar to robotic bird
Electrostatic Soundwave (Decepticon; Scion xB) – Black repaint (made to resemble Soundblaster); bundled with Ratbat, which transforms from keytar to robotic bat
Swindle (Decepticon; Humvee)
Swoop (Dinobot; Robotic Pteranodon)
Fugitive Waspinator (Decepticon; Sports Hatchback; Unreleased) – Green repaint of Bumblebee
Waspinator (Decepticon; Robotic Wasp)
Voyager Class
Voyager Class figures are larger and more detailed than the Deluxe Class toys. Some of these figures feature Automorph technology. The first wave had the figures packaged in vehicle modes; later shipments had smaller boxes with the figures packaged in robot mode..
Blackout (Decepticon; Military Helicopter; Unreleased)
Blitzwing (Decepticon; Fighter Jet/Tank) – Triple-changer with three different faces in robot mode
Bulkhead (Autobot; Armored Vehicle)
Mudbuster Bulkhead (Autobot; Armored Vehicle; Unreleased) – Metallic green/black repaint.
Hydrodive Bumblebee (Autobot; Sports Car with Submarine/Jet Pack)
Grimlock (Dinobot; Robotic Tyrannosaurus Rex)
Goldfire Grimlock (Dinobot; Robotic Tyrannosaurus Rex; Unreleased) – Gold repaint
Lugnut (Decepticon; Bomber)
Atomic Lugnut (Decepticon; Bomber) – Gray/green repaint
Megatron (Decepticon; Cybertronian Jet)
Optimus Prime (Autobot; Semi-trailer Truck with Fire Truck Attachment)
Wingblade Optimus Prime (Autobot; Semi-trailer Truck with Jet Pack and Magnus Hammer) – Redeco of Deluxe Earth Mode Optimus Prime with upgrade parts that are also compatible with the regular Voyager figure.
Shockwave (Decepticon; Cybertronian Tank/Crane) – Quad-changer that also transforms into his Autobot alter-ego Longarm
Shockwave (Decepticon; Cybertronian Tank/Crane) – Purple repaint; bundled with Activators Bumblebee
Skywarp (Decepticon; Fighter Jet) – Black/purple repaint of Starscream
Starscream (Decepticon; Fighter Jet)
Sunstorm (Decepticon; Fighter Jet; Target Exclusive) – Yellow/orange repaint of Starscream; bundled with Activators Ratchet
Thundercracker (Decepticon; Fighter Jet; Unreleased) – Blue/black/purple repaint of Starscream
Wreck-Gar (Autobot; Garbage Truck)
Leader Class
Leader Class Ultra Magnus in robot mode with Mass Hammer.
Leader Class figures stand at roughly 9″ in height and feature electronic lights and sound effects. The Headmaster unit that comes with Bulkhead fits on all Leader Class figures, though Bulkhead is the only one to have Headmaster’s light and sound features.
Bulkhead (Autobot; Armored Vehicle) – Comes with Headmaster unit
Megatron (Decepticon; Futuristic Gunship)
Shadow Blade Megatron (Decepticon; Futuristic Gunship) – Black repaint
Ultra Magnus (Autobot; Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck)
Roadbuster Ultra Magnus (Autobot; Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck) – Yellow/green repaint (made to resemble G1 Roadbuster)
Supreme Class
The largest figure in the series, Supreme Rollout Command Optimus Prime features quick transformation and animatronic sound and movements on the upper torso. The user simply rolls the truck forward, causing the cab to spin and transform.
Supreme Rollout Command Optimus Prime (Autobot; Semi-trailer Truck)
Other toys
Megatron Battle Blaster (Unreleased) – A toy weapon that the user can wear around their arm. Transforms from Megatron’s gunship mode to robot fist with blaster weapon.
Optimus Prime Battle Blaster – A toy weapon that the user can wear around their arm. Transforms from Optimus Prime’s truck mode to robot fist with blaster weapon.
^ – Transformers Animated Legends Class
^ – Transformers Animated Activators
^ – Transformers Animated Bumper Battlers
^ – Transformers Animated Workzone Bulkhead
^ – Transformers Animated Stealth Ninja Jazz
^ Seibertron – Transformers Animated Deluxe Class
^ – Transformers Animated Arcee
^ – Transformers Animated Freeway Jazz
^ – Transformers Animated Cybertron Mode Ratchet
^ – Transformers Animated Rodimus Minor
^ – Transformers Animated Voyager Class
^ – New Transformers Animated Bulkhead Repaint
^ – Transformers Animated Hydrodive Bumbelebee
^ – Animated Wingblade Optimus Prime
^ – Transformers Animated Leader Class
^ – Transformers Animated Supreme Rollout Command Optimus Prime
^ – Transformers Animated Megatron Battle Blaster
^ – Transformers Animated Optimus Prime Battle Blaster
External links
Official Transformers Homepage
v d e
Optimus Prime Ironhide Ratchet Bumblebee Omega Supreme Jazz Primus
Megatron/Galvatron Starscream Soundwave Shockwave Ravage Devastator Unicron The Fallen
Optimus Primal
Megatron (Beast Era)
Supporting characters
Witwicky family
Autobots Decepticons Heralds of Unicron Quintessons Maximals Predacons (Beast Era) Vehicons Mini-Cons
Primes Dinobots Aerialbots Protectobots Throttlebots Technobots Omnicons
Insecticons Constructicons Stunticons Combaticons Predacons Terrorcons Duocons
Seekers Triple Changers Female Transformers Sharkticons Headmasters Targetmasters Powermasters Pretenders Original Thirteen Transformers
Toy lines
Transformers: Generation 1 Transformers: Generation 2 Beast Wars Machine Wars Beast Machines Robots in Disguise Armada Universe Robot Masters Energon Alternators Masterpiece Cybertron Titanium Classics BotCon Movie (2007) Star Wars Transformers Transformers Animated Crossovers Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Comic series
The Transformers G.I. Joe and the Transformers Headmasters Universe Generation 2 New Avengers/Transformers
Generation 1 Armada/Energon Transformers/G.I. Joe The War Within More Than Meets the Eye (G1/Armada) Summer Special Micromasters
The Transformers (Spotlight) Beast Wars Generations Evolutions Transformers (film comic series)
The Wreckers Universe
TV series
Generation 1
The Transformers (Characters, Episodes) Scramble City The Headmasters Super-God Masterforce Victory Zone Generation 2
Beast Era
Beast Wars (Characters, Episodes) II Neo Machines (Characters, Episodes)
Robots in Disguise
Unicron Trilogy
Armada (Episodes) Energon (Episodes) Cybertron (Characters, Spaceships, Episodes)
Transformers Animated
Bots Organics Episodes
Feature films
Generation 1 films
The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
Live-action films
Transformers (2007) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Audio CDs
The Transformers: The Movie (1986) Transformers: Theme Song Collection (2003) Transformers: History of Music 1984-1990 (2004) Transformers: The Album (2007) Transformers: Song Universe (2007) Transformers: The Score (2007) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen The Album (2009) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen The Score (2009)
Video games
The Transformers (1986) Battle to Save the Earth (1986) Convoy no Nazo (1986) The Headmasters (1987) Beast Wars (1997) Beast Senshi Saiky Ketteisen (1999) Beast Wars Transmetals (1999) DreamMix TV World Fighters (2003) Transformers (2003) Transformers (2004) Transformers: The Game (2007) Transformers Animated (2008) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Transformers: War for Cybertron (2010) Transformers G1: Awakening (2010)
Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday (2007) Transformers (2007) Transformers: The Veiled Threat (2009) – All by Alan Dean Foster
Theme Park
Transformers: The Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood & Universal Studios Singapore
Other Transformer
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Categories: Transformers lines and sublines
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