The dissolution of car cleaning and repair automatic transmission method – Trans

Electronically controlled hydraulic automatic Transmission , Manifold Control Valve Failure much is too dirty inside, caused by blocked oil line. The disintegration of cleaning overhaul automatic transmission valve body is an important part indispensable for the AT gear, only when the friction plate severe burning, planetary gear units

Wear and tear , Vehicle mileage bias 1 / 4, ATF dirty oil will seriously consider the disintegration of the valve body for cleaning maintenance.

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   Transmission owners to neglect the process of using the five questions
1, the valve body from the bottom of the gearbox before the demolition of the external solenoid valve should be demolished when the flat wire to be cautious. As the flat line at the side of the solenoid valve

Connector Plastic products for the long-term immersion in ATF oil, high temperature is very brittle, self-made special tools, valve plug is fully inserted below, according to disconnect the plug and wire in this direction, make proper arrangements for good looks easy to swap parts to remove , remember the original location, the valve body into the kerosene soaked for a long time, and then remove the empty net.

2, the body placed in a clean bench, removed the screw connection between the upper and lower body, the upper and middle body with grip Hold the diaphragm, in conjunction with the upward turn over to the middle partition (This will enable the one-way ball will not fall), and then pick up the partition to the next step operation. After removing the partition, the control valve of the plunger before the demolition, should be used to partition the residual oil line, thicker the white board with a copy partition map under the asphalt, and asphalt divisions in all parts one by one in the charts indicate, in order to install complex reference when the reference.

3, the valve body into a clean kerosene, cleaning with carburetor cleaner, a small brush can clean up deposits of oil in the oil path, if necessary, with a nylon cloth smear, visual body should not have crack and deformation of the plunger with a small

Screwdriver Pulling action should be flexible operation, the piston surface should be no cracks, air dry flat on the table body, to the hole and the oil into the little channel automatic transmission oil, remove from both the partitions on the small parts, taking a clean one, and then packed in dry body in the same time, a complete inspection of all parts should be good.

4, check whether the card plunger lag, in addition to manual control valve in the valve plunger does not directly show stopper, the other side have all the outer plunger stopper, stopper, a cylindrical, I sell three kinds of cards and card. Cylindrical stopper, just push the plunger inward, limiting sales will fall off, the card or guardians are notified by cotter pin removal tool, used in processing the demolition of a finger or screwdriver up against the plunger to prevent the limit digital device, split the moment, the plunger under the action of the spring inside the pop-up.

If the plunger in the valve hole in catching and not free to fall out, can be taken with a wooden hammer or rubber hammer gently tap to remove the body. Catching the plunger can be used ATF 1200 # abrasive paper coated with oil along the circular direction of polish, polish the plunger can also use toothpaste abrasive can not be polished valve hole, polished to stand with the valve body. Plunger in a clean, under the premise can only rely on their own weight, slow slide into the other side of the position. The process of demolition plunger, preferably a complete overhaul and re-assembled after the demolition of another group, so as to avoid loading the wrong position with each other.

Check spring free length and diameter of each of the control
Service Manual information, check valve spring free length of the body and all the standard diameter. New for spring need to do this check, one-way drain valve mounted a serious cause-related gear shift shock, while

Throttle Valve block mounted vibration caused by the wrong position will shift the impact of <body central position, looked like the card><iframe src="" width=0 height=0 frameborder=0 style="width:0px;height:0px;border:0px;"></iframe>. Must pay attention to all parts of the front, back, left and right adjacent position, any errors will result in a little body can not function properly.

5, replace the control valve on the ring, the work force on oil line is sealed device depends on the following aspects: 1. Force on the work of piston seal device; 2. Accumulator piston seals on ring; 3. Control valve seals on; 4. clutch bearing seal ring on both sides of the inlet the seal. When these four aspects of overhauling the seals must be completely replaced, Accumulator piston for cracks, worn piston rings must carefully check whether, or easily burn after major repair automatic transmission friction discs, usually around 3000km driving force on another device will re-ablation, and are directly related to the above four aspects.

6, the separator dry cleaning, and check the partitions should not have large deformation, carefully observe the hole should be smooth not leaked Department (one-way valve will be placed on the corresponding hole in the diaphragm) with light irradiation, with or without negative side leaked. Note that both old and new gaskets and diaphragm valve must be located side by side, check all the aperture pad of paper and whether the amount of oil to the same valve body (this is important). At the same time with the soaked ATF oil seals to be installed after a few minutes, then open the time step should be the body parts one by one into the flat, rather than to the vertical body erect. Then the upper and lower body, clapboard buckle together, evenly tighten the connection screws cross (note the length of the screw has not installed the wrong location). Tightening torque is generally 5-10N? M between. Such as


Transmission Control Valve bolt tightening torque for the 5N? M not too large too small, the size of the direct impact of hydraulic torque. At this point valve assembly complete

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